weareinreach / InReach

Prefer boolean attributes notation in JSX JS-0400
13 days agoa year old
Value must be omitted for boolean attribute useLoggedIn
 68			})}
 69		>
 70			<Stack align='flex-start' spacing='xl'>
 71				<UserAvatar useLoggedIn={true} avatarSize={48} /> 72				<Rating {...form.getInputProps('rating')} />
 73				<Textarea
 74					label={t('review-resource')}
Value must be omitted for boolean attribute loading
 58	if (initialLoad || forceLoading || !ready) {
 59		return (
 60			<Stack spacing='xl' w='100%'>
 61				<UserAvatar loading={true} /> 62				<Stack className={classes.reviewText} spacing={8}>
 63					<Skeleton variant={variants.Skeleton.text} width='100%' />
 64					<Skeleton variant={variants.Skeleton.text} width='100%' />
Value must be omitted for boolean attribute visible
36	const parenRegex = /[()]/g
38	if (status !== 'success' || Boolean(forceLoading)) {
39		return <Skeleton className={classes.container} visible={true} />40	}
42	if (average === null || count === 0) {
Value must be omitted for boolean attribute shouldUnescape
103								i18nKey='breadcrumb.back-to-dynamic'
104								ns='common'
105								values={{ page }}
106								shouldUnescape={true}107								components={{ u: <u>.</u> }}
108							/>
109						)
Value must be omitted for boolean attribute checked
 14					<Stack>
 15						<Checkbox value='1' checked={false} label='Default' />
 16						<Checkbox value='2' checked={false} indeterminate label='Indeterminate' />
 17						<Checkbox value='4' checked={true} label='Checked' /> 18						<Checkbox value='5' disabled label='Disabled' />
 19						<Checkbox value='6' disabled checked label='Disabled checked' />
 20						<Checkbox value='7' disabled indeterminate label='Disabled indeterminate' />