isudatateam / datateam

Consider removing the commented out code block PY-W0069
3 months ago3 months old
Consider removing the commented out code block
256    missing = form.get("missing", "M")
257    if missing == "__custom__":
258        missing = form.get("custom_missing", "M")
259    # detectlimit = form.get("detectlimit", "1")260
261    # pylint: disable=abstract-class-instantiated
262    tmpfn = "td_%s.xlsx" % (
Consider removing the commented out code block
115def main():
116    """Go Main"""
117    cscap, td = get_dfs()
118    # cmp_fertilizer(cscap['operations'], td['soil_fert'])119    list_fertilizer(cscap["operations"], td["soil_fert"])
Consider removing the commented out code block
 53        ]
 54        if len(df.index) == 1:
 55            diff(df.iloc[0], tdrow)
 56        # print(("Updated entry for %s valid: %s updated: %s" 57        #       ) % (tdrow['uniqueid'], tdrow['valid'], tdrow['updated']))
Consider removing the commented out code block
 43            & (cscapdf["uniqueid"] == tdrow["uniqueid"])
 44        ]
 45        if len(df.index) == 0:
 46            # print(("New entry for %s valid: %s updated: %s" 47            #       ) % (tdrow['uniqueid'], tdrow['valid'], tdrow['updated']))
 48            continue
 49        df = cscapdf[
Consider removing the commented out code block
136            ["valid", "%s WAT4 Water Table Depth" % (plotid,)]
137        ].copy()
138        res[plotid].columns = ["valid", "depth"]
139        # shrug/sigh140        # res[plotid]['valid'] = (res[plotid]['valid'] +
141        #                        datetime.timedelta(seconds=1))
142        res[plotid]["depth"] = (