caverav / auditforge

Useless template literal found JS-R1004
11 days ago11 days old
Template string can be replaced with regular string literal
236  description: PostDescription,
237): Promise<CWEData> => {
238  try {
239    const response = await fetch(`http://localhost:8000/classify`, {240      method: 'POST',
241      credentials: 'include',
242      headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
Template string can be replaced with regular string literal
479  importVulnerabilitiesPartial:
480    '<strong>{0}</strong> 个漏洞创建成功<br /><strong>{1}</strong> 个漏洞标题已存在',
481  exportVulnerabilities: '导出漏洞',
482  exportVulnerabilitiesInfo: `将漏洞导出为 yaml 格式。之后可以轻松地重新导入此导出。`,483  deleteAllVulnerabilities: '删除所有漏洞',
484  deleteAllVulnerabilitiesInfo: `删除库中所有漏洞。<br />
485    <strong>本操作不可逆!!</strong>`,
Template string can be replaced with regular string literal
286  importVulnerabilitiesPartial:
287    '<strong>{0}</strong> vulnérabilités créées<br /><strong>{1}</strong> titres des vulnérabilités existent déjà',
288  exportVulnerabilities: 'Exporter les Vulnerabilités',
289  exportVulnerabilitiesInfo: `Exporter les Vulnerabilités au format yaml. Cet export peut être facilement réimporté par la suite`,290  deleteAllVulnerabilities: 'Supprimer toutes les vulnérabilités',
291  deleteAllVulnerabilitiesInfo: `Supprimer toutes les vulnérabilités existantes. <br />
292    <strong>Cette action est définitive !!</strong>`,
Template string can be replaced with regular string literal
541  importVulnerabilitiesPartial:
542    '<strong>{0}</strong> vulnerabilities created<br /><strong>{1}</strong> vulnerabilities title already exist',
543  exportVulnerabilities: 'Export Vulnerabilities',
544  exportVulnerabilitiesInfo: `Export Vulnerabilities to yaml format. This export can easily be re-imported afterward`,545  deleteAllVulnerabilities: 'Delete All Vulnerabilities',
546  deleteAllVulnerabilitiesInfo: `Delete all existing vulnerabilities.<br />
547    <strong>This action is definitive!!</strong>`,
Template string can be replaced with regular string literal
512  importVulnerabilitiesPartial:
513    '<strong>{0}</strong> Schwachstellen wurden erstellt<br /><strong>{1}</strong> Schwachstellentitel existieren bereits',
514  exportVulnerabilities: 'Schwachstellen exportieren',
515  exportVulnerabilitiesInfo: `Exportiert Schwachstellen im yaml-Format. Dieser Export kann später einfach wieder zurück-importiert werden`,516  deleteAllVulnerabilities: 'Alle Schwachstellen löschen',
517  deleteAllVulnerabilitiesInfo: `Löscht alle existierende Schwachstellen.<br />
518    <strong>Diese Aktion ist unwiderruflich!!</strong>`,