MissouriMRDT / Autonomy_Software

Found value copy of non-trivially copyable parameter CXX-P2009
4 days ago14 days old
the parameter 'szModelPath' is copied for each invocation but only used as a const reference; consider making it a const reference
233                 * @author clayjay3 ([email protected])
234                 * @date 2023-11-11
235                 ******************************************************************************/
236                TPUInterpreter(std::string szModelPath, PerformanceModes ePowerMode = eHigh, unsigned int unMaxBulkInQueueLength = 32, bool bUSBAlwaysDFU = false) :237                    TensorflowTPU<std::vector<std::vector<Detection>>, cv::Mat>(szModelPath, ePowerMode, unMaxBulkInQueueLength, bUSBAlwaysDFU)
239                {}