KOSASIH / HealthGuard-Refugee-Initiative

Unnecessary pass statement PYL-W0107
5 months ago5 months old
181            prediction (numpy.ndarray): The predicted BCI output.
182        """
183        # Execute control commands based on the predicted BCI output
184        pass
153    def initialize_software(self):
154        """Initialize the BCI software."""
155        # Initialize software components
156        pass157
158    def initialize_design(self, design):
159        """Initialize the BCI design.
148    def initialize_hardware(self):
149        """Initialize the BCI hardware."""
150        # Initialize hardware components
151        pass152
153    def initialize_software(self):
154        """Initialize the BCI software."""
Unnecessary pass statement
310def update_refugee_goals_protocols(refugee, protocols):
311    """Update the goals and protocols of the refugee based on their performance and feedback."""
312    # Add code to update the goals and protocols of the refugee based on their performance and feedback
313    pass
Unnecessary pass statement
304def record_refugee_compliance_impact_report(refugee, report):
305    """Record the refugee compliance impact report and share it with the care team members."""
306    # Add code to record the refugee compliance impact report and share it with the care team members
307    pass308
310def update_refugee_goals_protocols(refugee, protocols):