KOSASIH / HealthGuard-Refugee-Initiative

Doc line too long FLK-W505
5 months ago5 months old
doc line too long (106 > 88 characters)
 88                                The function should take a numpy array of sensor data as input and return a numpy array of command values.
 89        data_function (function):
 90                                A function to extract sensor data from the cyborg sensor interface.
 91                                The function should take no input and return a numpy array of sensor data. 92        interval (float):
 93                        The interval between each command and data update.
doc line too long (99 > 88 characters)
 87                                A function to generate a command based on the sensor data.
 88                                The function should take a numpy array of sensor data as input and return a numpy array of command values.
 89        data_function (function):
 90                                A function to extract sensor data from the cyborg sensor interface. 91                                The function should take no input and return a numpy array of sensor data.
 92        interval (float):
 93                        The interval between each command and data update.
doc line too long (138 > 88 characters)
 85                        The connected cyborg device interface.
 86        command_function (function):
 87                                A function to generate a command based on the sensor data.
 88                                The function should take a numpy array of sensor data as input and return a numpy array of command values. 89        data_function (function):
 90                                A function to extract sensor data from the cyborg sensor interface.
 91                                The function should take no input and return a numpy array of sensor data.
doc line too long (90 > 88 characters)
 84        interface (object):
 85                        The connected cyborg device interface.
 86        command_function (function):
 87                                A function to generate a command based on the sensor data. 88                                The function should take a numpy array of sensor data as input and return a numpy array of command values.
 89        data_function (function):
 90                                A function to extract sensor data from the cyborg sensor interface.
doc line too long (127 > 88 characters)
 65def prioritize_interventions(classifier, features, priority_type="most_severe"):
 66    """
 67    Function to prioritize healthcare interventions based on the severity of refugee health conditions and available resources. 68
 69    Args:
 70        classifier (object):