KOSASIH / HealthGuard-Refugee-Initiative

Line too long FLK-E501
5 months ago5 months old
line too long (91 > 88 characters)
103        print(f"Alert sent to HealthGuard system for device {device_id}: {message}")
104    else:
105        print(
106            f"Failed to send alert to HealthGuard system for device {device_id}: {message}"107        )
line too long (95 > 88 characters)
 85    device_id = "1234567890"
 86    if integrate_device(device_id):
 87        print(
 88            f"Device {device_id} has been successfully integrated into the HealthGuard system." 89        )
 90    else:
 91        print(f"Failed to integrate device {device_id} into the HealthGuard system.")
line too long (108 > 88 characters)
 26    else:
 27        # If the request was not successful, return an error message
 28        return {
 29            "error": f"Failed to retrieve data from device {device_id}. Status code: {response.status_code}" 30        }
line too long (90 > 88 characters)
144            },
145            {
146                "title": "Level 3",
147                "description": f"Visualize a larger image of a {phobia} in the distance.",148                "duration": 180,
149            },
150            {
line too long (117 > 88 characters)
130    """
131    exposure_therapy_program = {
132        "title": f"Exposure Therapy Program for {phobia.capitalize()}",
133        "description": f"This program will help you overcome your fear of {phobia} by gradually exposing you to it.",134        "steps": [
135            {
136                "title": "Level 1",