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Class used with instanceof is not of valid type PHP-E1009

Bug risk

A class that you are trying to check against using instanceof keyword is not of valid class object type. This will result in fatal runtime error.

This can happen because of human errors, and it is recommended to make sure that:

  • A class you are trying to check against exists.
  • There's no typo in the class or interface name.
  • self/parent is not being used outside of a class scope.

Bad practice

class ObjectChecker
    public function isInstanceOfBaseGreet($object): bool
        if ($object instanceof BaseGreet) { // BaseGreet class doesn't exists
            return true;

        return false;
class BaseGreet {}

class ObjectChecker
    public function isInstanceOfBaseGreet($object): bool
        if ($object instanceof BaseGret) { // typo, BaseGret not exists
            return true;

        return false;
function isInstanceOf($object) {
    if ($object instanceof self) { // invalid: Cannot use "self" when no class scope is active
        return true;

    return false;


Make sure class/interface you are trying to check against exists and doesn't have any typo:

class BaseGreet
    public function getMessage(): string
        return 'Hello';

class ObjectChecker
    public function isInstanceOfBaseGreet($object): bool
        if ($object instanceof BaseGreet) {
            return true;

        return false;

Make sure there is not typo in class/interface name:

class BaseGreet {}

class ObjectChecker
    public function isInstanceOfBaseGreet($object): bool
        if ($object instanceof BaseGreet) {
            return true;

        return false;

Always use self/parent inside class scope:

class ObjectChecker
    public function isInstanceOfObjectChecker($object): bool
        if ($object instanceof self) {
            return true;

        return false;
