Alert on deployment-like objects that are not selected by any NetworkPolicy.
options in deployments KUBELIN-W1011Alert on deployments that have no specified dnsConfig options
with maxUnavailable
value preventing disruptions KUBELIN-W1034Indicates when a PodDisruptionBudget has a maxUnavailable value that will always prevent disruptions of pods created by related deployment-like objects.
volume mounted in containers KUBELIN-W1012Alert on deployments with docker.sock mounted in containers.
capability KUBELIN-W1013Indicates when containers do not drop NET_RAW capability
Check that duplicate named env vars aren't passed to a deployment like.
Indicates when objects use a secret in an environment variable.
Alert on services for forbidden types
Alert on pods/deployment-likes with sharing host's network namespace
Indicates when containers fail to specify a readiness probe.
Indicates when a deployment doesn't use a rolling update strategy
Indicates when pods reference a service account that is not found.
Indicates when a subject (Group/User/ServiceAccount) has create access to Pods. CIS Benchmark 5.1.4: The ability to create pods in a cluster opens up possibilities for privilege escalation and should be restricted, where possible.
Indicates when a subject (Group/User/ServiceAccount) has access to Secrets. CIS Benchmark 5.1.2: Access to secrets should be restricted to the smallest possible group of users to reduce the risk of privilege escalation.
cluster admin
role should be used only where required KUBELIN-W1003CIS Benchmark 5.1.1 Ensure that the cluster-admin role is only used where required
in HorizontalPodAutoscaler
KUBELIN-W1004Indicates when HorizontalPodAutoscalers target a missing resource.
Indicates when ingress do not have any associated services.
Indicates when networkpolicies do not have any associated deployments.
Indicates when NetworkPolicyPeer in Egress/Ingress rules -in the Spec of NetworkPolicy- do not have any associated deployments. Applied on peer specified with podSelectors only.
Indicates when services do not have any associated deployments.