willtheorangeguy / willtheorangeguy.github.io

Either all code paths should have explicit returns, or none of them JS-0045
5 months ago2 years old
3876            ? window.innerHeight
3877            : this._scrollElement.getBoundingClientRect().height;
3878        }),
3879        (e._process = function () {3880          var t = this._getScrollTop() + this._config.offset,
3881            e = this._getScrollHeight(),
3882            n = this._config.offset + e - this._getOffsetHeight();
3193        (e.toggleEnabled = function () {
3194          this._isEnabled = !this._isEnabled;
3195        }),
3196        (e.toggle = function (t) {3197          if (this._isEnabled)
3198            if (t) {
3199              var e = this.constructor.DATA_KEY,
3067      var i = new window.DOMParser().parseFromString(t, "text/html"),
3068        o = Object.keys(e),
3069        r = [].slice.call(i.body.querySelectorAll("*")),
3070        a = function (t, n) {3071          var i = r[t],
3072            a = i.nodeName.toLowerCase();
3073          if (o.indexOf(i.nodeName.toLowerCase()) === -1)
2852              !t)
2853            )
2854              return;
2855            if (!n) return void t();2856            var o = l.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._backdrop);
2857            i.default(this._backdrop)
2858              .one(l.TRANSITION_END, t)
2506            n = l.getSelectorFromElement(t);
2507          return n && (e = document.querySelector(n)), e || t.parentNode;
2508        }),
2509        (t._dataApiKeydownHandler = function (e) {2510          if (
2511            !(/input|textarea/i.test(e.target.tagName)
2512              ? e.which === 32 ||