Functions prefixed with Get should return a value RVV-A0006
2 occurrences in this check
function 'GetMinWatermark' seems to be a getter but it does not return any result
 83// @Success  200  {array}   minWatermark
 84// @Failure  500  {string}  string  "PD server failed to proceed the request."
 85// @Router       /min-resolved-ts [get]
 86func (h *minWatermarkHandler) GetMinWatermark(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { 87	c := getCluster(r)
 88	scopeMinWatermark := c.GetMinWatermark()
 89	persistInterval := c.GetPDServerConfig().MinWatermarkPersistenceInterval
function 'GetStoreMinWatermark' seems to be a getter but it does not return any result
 52// @Failure  400  {string}  string  "The input is invalid."
 53// @Failure      500    {string}  string  "PD server failed to proceed the request."
 54// @Router   /min-resolved-ts/{store_id} [get]
 55func (h *minWatermarkHandler) GetStoreMinWatermark(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { 56	c := getCluster(r)
 57	idStr := mux.Vars(r)["store_id"]
 58	storeID, err := strconv.ParseUint(idStr, 10, 64)