Exit inside non-main function RVV-A0003
14 occurrences in this check
calls to log.Fatal only in main() or init() functions
255	buf := []byte(fdContent)
256	_, err = fd.Write(buf)
257	if err != nil {
258		log.Fatal(err)259	}
calls to log.Fatal only in main() or init() functions
239	// Output csv file
240	fd, err := os.OpenFile("result.txt", os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0600)
241	if err != nil {
242		log.Fatal(err)243	}
244	defer func() {
245		if err := fd.Close(); err != nil {
calls to log.Fatal only in main() or init() functions
 97		}
 98		delete(c.regionMap, regionID)
 99	} else {
100		log.Fatal("error when add sourceStore in transfer region map", zap.Uint64("source-store", sourceStoreID), zap.Uint64("region", regionID))101	}
calls to log.Fatal only in main() or init() functions
134			log.Fatal(err)
135		}
136	} else {
137		log.Fatal("unsupported time layout")138	}
139	return func(content string) (time.Time, error) {
140		result := r.FindStringSubmatch(content)
calls to log.Fatal only in main() or init() functions
131	if pattern, ok := supportLayouts[layout]; ok {
132		r, err = regexp.Compile(pattern)
133		if err != nil {
134			log.Fatal(err)135		}
136	} else {
137		log.Fatal("unsupported time layout")
calls to log.Fatal only in main() or init() functions
 58func MustParseVersion(v string) *semver.Version {
 59	ver, err := ParseVersion(v)
 60	if err != nil {
 61		log.Fatal("version string is illegal", errs.ZapError(err)) 62	}
 63	return ver
calls to log.Fatal only in main() or init() functions
66func MinSupportedVersion(v Feature) *semver.Version {
67	target, ok := featuresDict[v]
68	if !ok {
69		log.Fatal("the corresponding version of the feature doesn't exist", zap.Int("feature-number", int(v)), errs.ZapError(errs.ErrFeatureNotExisted))70	}
71	version := MustParseVersion(target)
72	return version
calls to log.Fatal only in main() or init() functions
49	addr := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", l.Addr())
50	err = l.Close()
51	if err != nil {
52		log.Fatal("close failed", errs.ZapError(err))53	}
55	testAddrMutex.Lock()
calls to log.Fatal only in main() or init() functions
44func tryAllocTestURL() string {
45	l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
46	if err != nil {
47		log.Fatal("listen failed", errs.ZapError(err))48	}
49	addr := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", l.Addr())
50	err = l.Close()
calls to log.Fatal only in main() or init() functions
37		}
38		time.Sleep(time.Second)
39	}
40	log.Fatal("failed to alloc test URL")41	return ""
calls to log.Fatal only in main() or init() functions
 84// Commonly used with a `defer`.
 85func LogPanic() {
 86	if e := recover(); e != nil {
 87		log.Fatal("panic", zap.Reflect("recover", e)) 88	}
calls to log.Fatal only in main() or init() functions
155func mustNil(err error) {
156	if err != nil {
157		log.Fatal("unexpected error", zap.Error(err), zap.Stack("stack"))158	}
calls to log.Fatal only in main() or init() functions
46	resPath := MustGetResPath()
47	strings, err := distro.ReadResourceStringsFromFile(path.Join(resPath, stringsFileName))
48	if err != nil {
49		log.Fatal("failed to load distro strings", zap.Error(err))50	}
51	log.Info("using distribution strings", zap.Any("strings", strings))
52	distro.ReplaceGlobal(strings)
calls to log.Fatal only in main() or init() functions
33func MustGetResPath() string {
34	exePath, err := os.Executable()
35	if err != nil {
36		log.Fatal("failed to read the execution path", zap.Error(err))37		return ""
38	}
39	return path.Join(path.Dir(exePath), resFolderName)