suryansh-code / hangman

Line too long FLK-E501
6 months ago6 months old
line too long (97 > 88 characters)
305        if not guess_word or guess_word not in string.ascii_lowercase:
306            if warnings_remaining != 0:
307                warnings_remaining -= 1
308                print(f"That is not a valid letter. You have {warnings_remaining} warning left.")309
310            else:
311                print(
line too long (89 > 88 characters)
274        if is_word_guessed(secret_word, guesses_combine):
275            print("Congratulations, you won!")
276            print(f"Your total score for this game is {good_guess * guesses_remaining}.")277
279        if guesses_remaining == 0:
line too long (97 > 88 characters)
235        if not guess_word or guess_word not in string.ascii_lowercase:
236            if warnings_remaining != 0:
237                warnings_remaining -= 1
238                print(f"That is not a valid letter. You have {warnings_remaining} warning left.")239
240            else:
241                print(