solaryasha / youtube-implementation

Validation of JSX maximum depth JS-0415
3 occurrences in this check
JSX tree is too deeply nested. Found 5 levels of nesting
 7class HeaderNav extends Component {
 8  render() {
 9    return (
10      <Menu borderless className="top-menu" fixed="top">11        <Menu.Item header className="logo">
12          <Link to="/"><Image src={Logo} size="tiny" /></Link>
13        </Menu.Item>
JSX tree is too deeply nested. Found 5 levels of nesting
 7  const horizontal = props.horizontal ? 'horizontal' : null;
 9  return (
10    <div className={['video-preview', horizontal].join(' ')}>11      <div className="image-container">
12        <Link to={`/watch/${}`}>
13          <Image src={props.url} />
JSX tree is too deeply nested. Found 5 levels of nesting
20    }
22    return (
23      <Fragment>24        <div className="video-infobox">
25          <Image className="channel-image" src="" circular />
26          <div className="video-info">