sassoftware / python-sasctl

No blank lines allowed after function docstring FLK-D202
4 occurrences in this check
No blank lines allowed after function docstring
68    @classmethod
69    def get_job_state(cls, job):
70        """Check the status of an existing job.71
72        Parameters
73        ----------
No blank lines allowed after function docstring
24    @classmethod
25    def create_job(cls, definition, name=None, description=None, parameters=None):
26        """Execute a job from an existing job definition.27
28        Parameters
29        ----------
No blank lines allowed after function docstring
 40        parameters=None,
 41        properties: dict = None,
 42    ) -> RestObj:
 43        """Define a new job that can be run in the SAS environment 44
 45        Parameters
 46        ----------
No blank lines allowed after function docstring
 90        resources=None,
 91        attributes=None,
 92    ):
 93        """ 94
 95        Parameters
 96        ----------