sassoftware / python-sasctl

Anomalous backslash detected PY-W0073
Bug risk
4 occurrences in this check
Anomalous backslash in string: '\*'. String constant might be missing an r prefix.
 9def _filter_files(file_dir: Union[str, Path], is_viya4: Optional[bool] = False) -> list:
10    """11    Filters file list to only contain files used for model import. Models imported into
12    SAS Viya 3.5 and SAS Viya 4 have a difference in total files imported, due to
13    differences in Python handling.
Anomalous backslash in string: '\*'. String constant might be missing an r prefix.
  37        score_code_path: Union[Path, str, None] = None,
  38        **kwargs,
  39    ) -> Union[dict, None]:
  40        """  41        Generates Python score code based on training data used to create the model
  42        object.
Anomalous backslash in string: '\*'. String constant might be missing an r prefix.
 33        is_binary_string: bool = False,
 34        mlflow_details: Optional[dict] = None,
 35    ) -> Union[dict, str, None]:
 36        """ 37        Write trained model to a binary pickle file, H2O MOJO file, or a binary string
 38        object.
Anomalous backslash in string: '\*'. String constant might be missing an r prefix.
200        overwrite_project_properties: Optional[bool] = False,
201        **kwargs,
202    ) -> Tuple[RestObj, Union[dict, str, Path]]:
203        """204        Import a model to SAS Model Manager using pzmm submodule.
206        Using pzmm, generate Python score code and import the model files into