sanketsaurav / lore

Dangerous default argument PYL-W0102
Bug risk
16 occurrences in this check
Dangerous default value {} as argument
168            param_distributions,
169            n_iter=10,
170            scoring=None,
171            fit_params={},172            n_jobs=1,
173            iid=True,
174            refit=True,
Dangerous default value [] as argument
 35    """
 36    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
 38    def __init__(self, column, name=None, dtype=numpy.uint32, embed_scale=1, tags=[], twin=False): 39        """
 40        :param column: the index name of a column in a dataframe, or a Transformer
 41        :param name: an optional debugging hint, otherwise a default will be supplied
Dangerous default value [] as argument
183    Transforms a series of booleans into floating points suitable for
184    training.
185    """
186    def __init__(self, column, name=None, dtype=numpy.bool, embed_scale=1, tags=[], twin=False):187        super(Boolean, self).__init__(column, name, dtype, embed_scale, tags, twin)
188        self.missing_value = 2
Dangerous default value [] as argument
209    see also: numpy.equal
210    """
211    def __init__(self, column, other, name=None, embed_scale=1, tags=[], twin=False):212        """
213        :param column: the index name of a column in a DataFrame, or a Transformer
214        :param other: the index name of a column in a DataFrame, or a Transformer
Dangerous default value [] as argument
251class Continuous(Base):
252    """Abstract Base Class for encoders that return continuous values"""
254    def __init__(self, column, name=None, dtype=numpy.float16, embed_scale=1, tags=[], twin=False):255        super(Continuous, self).__init__(column, name=name, dtype=dtype, embed_scale=embed_scale, tags=tags, twin=twin)
257    def cardinality(self):
Dangerous default value [] as argument
261class Pass(Continuous):
263    def __init__(self, column, name=None, dtype=numpy.float16, embed_scale=1, tags=[], twin=False):264        super(Pass, self).__init__(column, name=name, dtype=dtype, embed_scale=embed_scale, tags=tags, twin=twin)
265        self.missing_value = 0
Dangerous default value [] as argument
283    range will be capped from 0 to 1.
284    """
286    def __init__(self, column, name=None, dtype=numpy.float16, embed_scale=1, tags=[], twin=False):287        super(Uniform, self).__init__(column, name=name, dtype=dtype, embed_scale=embed_scale, tags=tags, twin=twin)
288        self.__min = float('nan')
289        self.__range = float('nan')
Dangerous default value [] as argument
319    exceeds the fit range will be capped at the fit range.
320    """
322    def __init__(self, column, name=None, dtype=numpy.float32, embed_scale=1, tags=[], twin=False):323        super(Norm, self).__init__(column, name, dtype, embed_scale, tags=tags, twin=twin)
324        self.__min = float('nan')
325        self.__max = float('nan')
Dangerous default value [] as argument
361    bins + 1.
362    """
364    def __init__(self, column, name=None, bins=10, embed_scale=1, tags=[], twin=False):365        super(Discrete, self).__init__(column, name, embed_scale=embed_scale, tags=tags, twin=twin)
366        self.__norm = bins - 1
367        self.__min = float('nan')
Dangerous default value [] as argument
412    exceed previously fit max are given a unique value. Missing values are
413    also distinctly encoded.
414    """
415    def __init__(self, column, name=None, embed_scale=1, tags=[], twin=False):416        super(Enum, self).__init__(column, name, embed_scale=embed_scale, tags=tags, twin=twin)
417        self.__max = None
418        self.unfit_value = None
Dangerous default value [] as argument
457    Values the excede the upper and lower bound fit, will be placed into
458    distinct bins, as well nans.
459    """
460    def __init__(self, column, name=None, quantiles=10, embed_scale=1, tags=[], twin=False):461        """
462        :param quantiles: the number of bins
463        """
Dangerous default value [] as argument
513    the stratify column the encoded value appears with.
514    """
516    def __init__(self, column, name=None, minimum_occurrences=1, stratify=None, embed_scale=1, tags=[], twin=False, correlation=None):517        """
518        :param minimum_occurrences: ignore ids with less than this many occurrences
519        :param stratify: compute minimum occurrences over data column with this name
Dangerous default value [] as argument
653    """
654    PUNCTUATION_FILTER = re.compile(r'\W+\s\W+|\W+(\s|$)|(\s|^)\W+', re.UNICODE)
656    def __init__(self, column, name=None, sequence_length=None, minimum_occurrences=1, embed_scale=1, tags=[], twin=False):657        """
658        :param sequence_length: truncates tokens after sequence_length. None for unlimited.
659        :param minimum_occurrences: ignore tokens with less than this many occurrences
Dangerous default value [] as argument
783    """
785    def __init__(self, column, name=None, depth=None, tags=[]):786        super(MiddleOut, self).__init__(column, name, tags=tags)
787        self.depth = depth
788        self.dtype = self._type_from_cardinality()
Dangerous default value [] as argument
813    Unique encoder.
814    """
816    def __init__(self, column, name=None, sequence_length=None, minimum_occurrences=1, embed_scale=1, tags=[], twin=False):817        """
818        :param sequence_length: truncates tokens after sequence_length. None for unlimited.
819        :param minimum_occurrences: ignore tokens with less than this many occurrences
Dangerous default value [] as argument
888    Norm encoder.
889    """
891    def __init__(self, column, name=None, sequence_length=None, dtype=numpy.float32, embed_scale=1, tags=[], twin=False):892        """
893        :param sequence_length: truncates tokens after sequence_length. None for unlimited.
894        :param minimum_occurrences: ignore tokens with less than this many occurrences