ranaroussi / quantstats

if statements can be merged PTC-W0048
3 occurrences in this check
Consider merging collapsible if statements
 680            color="gray",
 681        )
 683    if hline is not None: 684        if not isinstance(hline, _pd.Series):
 685            if grayscale:
 686                hlcolor = "black"
Consider merging collapsible if statements
 347    # use a more precise date string for the x axis locations in the toolbar
 348    # ax.fmt_xdata = _mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d')
 350    if hline is not None: 351        if not isinstance(hline, _pd.Series):
 352            if grayscale:
 353                hlcolor = "black"
Consider merging collapsible if statements
 188    # rotate and align the tick labels so they look better
 189    fig.autofmt_xdate()
 191    if hline is not None: 192        if not isinstance(hline, _pd.Series):
 193            if grayscale:
 194                hlcolor = "gray"