ranaroussi / quantstats

No blank lines allowed after function docstring FLK-D202
6 occurrences in this check
No blank lines allowed after function docstring
 433def probabilistic_ratio(
 434    series, rf=0.0, base="sharpe", periods=252, annualize=False, smart=False
 436    """Calculates the probabilistic sharpe ratio 437    Args:
 438        * series (Series, DataFrame): Input return series
 439        * rf (float): Risk-free rate expressed as a yearly (annualized) return
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1244    match_dates=True,
1245    **kwargs,
1247    """Plots for strategy performance"""1248
1249    benchmark_colname = kwargs.get("benchmark_title", "Benchmark")
1250    strategy_colname = kwargs.get("strategy_title", "Strategy")
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 739    match_dates=True,
 740    **kwargs,
 742    """calculates and displays various performance metrics""" 743
 744    if match_dates:
 745        returns = returns.dropna()
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 657    match_dates=True,
 658    **kwargs,
 660    """calculates and plots basic performance metrics""" 661
 662    # prepare timeseries
 663    if match_dates:
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 505    match_dates=True,
 506    **kwargs,
 508    """calculates and plots full performance metrics""" 509
 510    # prepare timeseries
 511    if match_dates:
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  68    match_dates=True,
  69    **kwargs,
  71    """generates full HTML tear sheet report"""  72
  73    if output is None and not _utils._in_notebook():
  74        raise ValueError("`output` must be specified")