ranaroussi / quantstats

Line too long FLK-E501
2 occurrences in this check
line too long (130 > 88 characters)
 105            0,
 106            -0.05,
 107            "            * When a multi-column DataFrame is passed, the mean of all columns will be used as returns.\n"
 108            "              To change this behavior, use a pandas Series or pass the column name in the `strategy_col` parameter.", 109            ha="left",
 110            fontsize=11,
 111            color="black",
line too long (119 > 88 characters)
 104        _plt.figtext(
 105            0,
 106            -0.05,
 107            "            * When a multi-column DataFrame is passed, the mean of all columns will be used as returns.\n" 108            "              To change this behavior, use a pandas Series or pass the column name in the `strategy_col` parameter.",
 109            ha="left",
 110            fontsize=11,