palladians / pallad

Prefer boolean attributes notation in JSX JS-0400
a month ago2 months old
Value must be omitted for boolean attribute loading
113          {loading ? (
114            <>
115              <Skeleton loading={true} h="145px" />
116              <Skeleton loading={true} h="145px" />117            </>
118          ) : transactions.length > 0 ? (
119   => (
Value must be omitted for boolean attribute loading
112        <div className="grid grid-cols-2 sm:grid-cols-3 gap-4">
113          {loading ? (
114            <>
115              <Skeleton loading={true} h="145px" />116              <Skeleton loading={true} h="145px" />
117            </>
118          ) : transactions.length > 0 ? (
Value must be omitted for boolean attribute isAnimationActive
64          stroke="#25233A"
65          fill="#25233A"
66          fillOpacity={1}
67          isAnimationActive={true}68          activeDot={({ cx, cy }) => <DotIcon x={cx - 12} y={cy - 12} />}
69        />
70        <Tooltip
Value must be omitted for boolean attribute mnemonicValid
76  return (
77    <SeedImportView
78      form={form}
79      mnemonicValid={true}80      onSubmit={(data) => console.log(data)}
81      restoring={false}
82    />