jettify / pytorch-optimizer

Consider decorating method with @staticmethod PYL-R0201
a year ago4 years old
Method doesn't use the class instance and could be converted into a static method
 78        )
 79        super(Adahessian, self).__init__(params, defaults)
 81    def get_trace(self, params: Params, grads: Grads) -> List[torch.Tensor]: 82        """Get an estimate of Hessian Trace.
 83        This is done by computing the Hessian vector product with a random
 84        vector v at the current gradient point, to estimate Hessian trace by
Method doesn't use the class instance and could be converted into a static method
106    def _rms(self, tensor: torch.Tensor) -> float:
107        return tensor.norm(2) / (tensor.numel() ** 0.5)
109    def _approx_sq_grad(110        self,
111        exp_avg_sq_row: torch.Tensor,
112        exp_avg_sq_col: torch.Tensor,
Method doesn't use the class instance and could be converted into a static method
103        use_first_moment = param_group["beta1"] is not None
104        return factored, use_first_moment
106    def _rms(self, tensor: torch.Tensor) -> float:107        return tensor.norm(2) / (tensor.numel() ** 0.5)
109    def _approx_sq_grad(
Method doesn't use the class instance and could be converted into a static method
 96            param_scale = max(param_group["eps2"][1], param_state["RMS"])
 97        return param_scale * rel_step_sz
 99    def _get_options(100        self, param_group: ParamGroup, param_shape: Tuple[int, ...]
101    ) -> Tuple[bool, bool]:
102        factored = len(param_shape) >= 2
Method doesn't use the class instance and could be converted into a static method
 82        )
 83        super(Adafactor, self).__init__(params, defaults)
 85    def _get_lr(self, param_group: ParamGroup, param_state: State) -> float: 86        rel_step_sz = param_group["lr"]
 87        if param_group["relative_step"]:
 88            min_step = (