Audit the usage of unescaped data in HTML templates GSC-G203
9 occurrences in this check
The used method does not auto-escape HTML. This can potentially lead to 'Cross-site Scripting' vulnerabilities, in case the attacker controls the input.
303// TimeSince calculates the time interval and generate user-friendly string.
304func TimeSince(t time.Time, lang string) template.HTML {
305	return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(`<span class="time-since" title="%s">%s</span>`, t.Format(conf.Time.FormatLayout), timeSince(t, lang)))306}
308// Subtract deals with subtraction of all types of number.
The used method does not auto-escape HTML. This can potentially lead to 'Cross-site Scripting' vulnerabilities, in case the attacker controls the input.
144func Str2HTML(raw string) template.HTML {
145	return template.HTML(markup.Sanitize(raw))146}
148// NewLine2br simply replaces "\n" to "<br>".
The used method does not auto-escape HTML. This can potentially lead to 'Cross-site Scripting' vulnerabilities, in case the attacker controls the input.
140func Safe(raw string) template.HTML {
141	return template.HTML(raw)142}
144func Str2HTML(raw string) template.HTML {
The used method does not auto-escape HTML. This can potentially lead to 'Cross-site Scripting' vulnerabilities, in case the attacker controls the input.
429		c.Errorf(err, "encode image")
430		return
431	}
432	c.Data["QRCode"] = template.URL("data:image/png;base64," + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(buf.Bytes()))433
434	_ = c.Session.Set("twoFactorSecret", c.Data["TwoFactorSecret"])
435	_ = c.Session.Set("twoFactorURL", key.String())
The used method does not auto-escape HTML. This can potentially lead to 'Cross-site Scripting' vulnerabilities, in case the attacker controls the input.
188			for i := 0; i < len(lines); i++ {
189				output.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`<span id="L%d">%d</span>`, i+1, i+1))
190			}
191			c.Data["LineNums"] = gotemplate.HTML(output.String())192		}
194		if canEnableEditor {
The used method does not auto-escape HTML. This can potentially lead to 'Cross-site Scripting' vulnerabilities, in case the attacker controls the input.
182			for index, line := range lines {
183				output.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`<li class="L%d" rel="L%d">%s</li>`, index+1, index+1, gotemplate.HTMLEscapeString(strings.TrimRight(line, "\r"))) + "\n")
184			}
185			c.Data["FileContent"] = gotemplate.HTML(output.String())186
187			output.Reset()
188			for i := 0; i < len(lines); i++ {
The used method does not auto-escape HTML. This can potentially lead to 'Cross-site Scripting' vulnerabilities, in case the attacker controls the input.
 34// ComputedInlineDiffFor computes inline diff for the given line.
 35func (s *DiffSection) ComputedInlineDiffFor(line *git.DiffLine) template.HTML {
 36	fallback := template.HTML(html.EscapeString(line.Content)) 37	if conf.Git.DisableDiffHighlight {
 38		return fallback
 39	}
The used method does not auto-escape HTML. This can potentially lead to 'Cross-site Scripting' vulnerabilities, in case the attacker controls the input.
106		}
107	}
109	return template.HTML(buf.Bytes())110}
112// DiffFile is a wrapper to git.DiffFile with helper methods.
The used method does not auto-escape HTML. This can potentially lead to 'Cross-site Scripting' vulnerabilities, in case the attacker controls the input.
 55					return time.Now().Year()
 56				},
 57				"Str2HTML": func(raw string) template.HTML {
 58					return template.HTML(markup.Sanitize(raw)) 59				},
 60			}},
 61		}