dvershinin / lastversion

Doc line too long FLK-W505
2 occurrences in this check
doc line too long (97 > 88 characters)
378                    # we always want to return formal release if it exists,
379                    # because it has useful data grab formal release via APi
380                    # to check for pre-release
381                    # >= case is when we have release from atom but update with tag date from API382                    formal_release = self.get_formal_release_for_tag(tag_name)
383                    if formal_release:
384                        ret = self.set_matching_formal_release(
doc line too long (96 > 88 characters)
267    def find_in_tags_via_graphql(self, ret, pre_ok, major):
268        """GraphQL allows for faster search across many tags.
269        We aggregate the highest semantic version among batches of 100 records.
270        In this way --major filtering results in much fewer requests compared to traditional API271        use.
273        Args: