derskythe / WpfSettings

Methods that deal with async should have their names suffixed with Async CS-R1073
a month agoa month old
Method with return type Task does not follow the naming convention
366        /// <exception cref="PureManApplicationDeployment.ClickOnceDeploymentException">Version info is empty!</exception>
367        /// <inheritdoc cref="CancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested"/>
368        /// <inheritdoc cref="Version.Version(string)"/>
369        private async Task<Version> ReadServerManifest(Stream stream, CancellationToken? token)370        {
371            var cToken = token ?? new CancellationTokenSource(DefaultCancellationTime).Token;
372            var xmlDoc = await XDocument.LoadAsync(stream, LoadOptions.None, cToken);
Method with return type Task does not follow the naming convention
332        /// <returns>Task&lt;Version&gt;.</returns>
333        /// <exception cref="PureManApplicationDeployment.ClickOnceDeploymentException">No network install was set</exception>
334        /// <inheritdoc cref="ReadServerManifest(Stream, CancellationToken?)"/>
335        public async Task<Version> RefreshServerVersion(CancellationToken? token = default)336        {
337            if (_From == InstallFrom.Web)
338            {
Method with return type Task does not follow the naming convention
288        /// <exception cref="PureManApplicationDeployment.ClickOnceDeploymentException">Can't find manifest file at path {path}</exception>
289        /// <exception cref="PureManApplicationDeployment.ClickOnceDeploymentException">Invalid manifest document for {path}</exception>
290        /// <exception cref="PureManApplicationDeployment.ClickOnceDeploymentException">Version info is empty!</exception>
291        public async Task<Version> RefreshCurrentVersion()292        {
293            if (!IsNetworkDeployment)
294            {