abdurrahimagca / AtmProject

Multiple variables declared on the same line JAVA-C1003
2 occurrences in this check
Multiple variable declared on the same line
 95  }
 97  public static boolean payOffDebt(String id, double amount) {
 98    double deposit, debt; 99    String temp = SqlQuery.StringGetSQL("SELECT debt FROM clients WHERE id=" + id, "debt");
100    debt = stringToDouble(temp);
101    temp = SqlQuery.StringGetSQL("SELECT deposit FROM clients WHERE id=" + id, "deposit");
Multiple variable declared on the same line
 67    // todo: iban uzunlugunun kontrol edilmesi gerekli
 68    if (IBAN.length() != 24) return false;
 70    double depositSender, depositReceiver; 71    String temp = SqlQuery.StringGetSQL("SELECT deposit FROM clients WHERE id=" + id, "deposit");
 72    depositSender = stringToDouble(temp);
 73    depositSender = depositSender - amount;