a11smiles / GitSync

async function should have await expression JS-0116
Bug risk
3 months ago2 years old
Found async function without any await expressions
572        return await this.updateWorkItem(config, patchDoc);
573    }
575    async updateWorkItem(config, patchDoc) {576        return this.getWorkItem(config).then(async (workItem) => {577            if (!workItem) {578                if (!!config.ado.autoCreate) {579                    log.warn(`Warning: cannot find work item (GitHub Issue #${config.issue.number}). Creating.`);580                    workItem = await this.createWorkItem(config, true);581                } else {582                    log.warn(`Warning: cannot find work item (GitHub Issue #${config.issue.number}). Canceling update.`);583                    return 0;584                }585            }586587            let conn = this.getConnection(config);588            let client = await conn.getWorkItemTrackingApi();589            let result = null;590591            try {592                result = await client.updateWorkItem([], patchDoc, workItem.id, config.ado.project, false, config.ado.bypassRules);593            594                log.debug(result);595                log.info("Successfully updated work item:", result.id);596            597                return result;598            } catch (exc) {599                log.error("Error: failure updating work item.");600                log.error(exc);601                core.setFailed(exc);602                return -1;603            }604        });605    }606
607    async updateIssues(config) {
608        log.info("Updating issues...");
Found async function without any await expressions
480        return await this.updateWorkItem(config, patchDoc);
481    }
483    async unlabelWorkItem(config) {484        log.info("Removing label from work item...");485486        return this.getWorkItem(config).then(async (workItem) => {487            if (!workItem) {488                log.warn(`Warning: cannot find work item (GitHub Issue #${config.issue.number}). Canceling update.`);489                return 0;490            }491492            let patchDoc = [493                {494                    op: "replace",495                    path: "/fields/System.Tags",496                    value: workItem.fields["System.Tags"].replace(this.createLabels("", [config.label]), "")497                },498                {499                    op: "add",500                    path: "/fields/System.History",501                    value: `GitHub issue #${config.issue.number}: <a href="${this.cleanUrl(config.issue.url)}" target="_new">${config.issue.title}</a> in <a href="${this.cleanUrl(config.issue.repository_url)}" target="_blank">${config.repository.full_name}</a> removal of label '${config.label.name}' by <a href="${config.issue.user.html_url}" target="_blank">${config.issue.user.login}</a>`502                }503            ];504505            return await this.updateWorkItem(config, patchDoc);506        });507    }508
509    async assignWorkItem(config) {
510        log.info("Assigning work item...");
Found async function without any await expressions
251        }
252    }
254    async createWorkItem(config, skipQuery = false) {255        log.info("Creating work item...");256257        return this.getWorkItem(config, skipQuery).then(async (workItem) => {258            if (!!workItem) {259                log.warn(`Warning: work item (#${workItem.id}) already exists. Canceling creation.`);260                return 0;261            }262263            let converter = new showdown.Converter();264            const html = converter.makeHtml(config.issue.body);265            266            converter = null;267268            // create patch doc269            let patchDoc = [270                {271                    op: "add",272                    path: "/fields/System.Title",273                    value: `GH #${config.issue.number}: ${config.issue.title}`274                },275                {276                    op: "add",277                    path: "/fields/System.Description",278                    value: (!!html ? html : "")279                },280                {281                    op: "add",282                    path: "/fields/Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.ReproSteps",283                    value: (!!html ? html : "")284                },285                {286                    op: "add",287                    path: "/fields/System.Tags",288                    value: this.createLabels(`GitHub Issue;GitHub Repo: ${config.repository.full_name};`, config.issue.labels)289                },290                {291                    op: "add",292                    path: "/relations/-",293                    value: {294                    rel: "Hyperlink",295                    url: this.cleanUrl(config.issue.url)296                    }297                },298                {299                    op: "add",300                    path: "/fields/System.History",301                    value: `GitHub issue #${config.issue.number}: <a href="${this.cleanUrl(config.issue.url)}" target="_new">${config.issue.title}</a> created in <a href="${this.cleanUrl(config.issue.repository_url)}" target="_blank">${config.repository.full_name}</a> by <a href="${config.issue.user.html_url}" target="_blank">${config.issue.user.login}</a>`302                }303            ]304305            // set assigned to306            if (!!config.ado.assignedTo) {307                patchDoc.push({308                    op: "add",309                    path: "/fields/System.AssignedTo",310                    value: this.getAssignee(config, true)311                });312            }313314            // set area path if provided315            if (!!config.ado.areaPath) {316                patchDoc.push({317                    op: "add",318                    path: "/fields/System.AreaPath",319                    value: config.ado.areaPath320                });321            }322323            // set iteration path if provided324            if (!!config.ado.iterationPath) {325                patchDoc.push({326                    op: "add",327                    path: "/fields/System.IterationPath",328                    value: config.ado.iterationPath329                });330            }331332            // if bypass rules, set user name333            if (!!config.ado.bypassRules) {334                patchDoc.push({335                    op: "add",336                    path: "/fields/System.CreatedBy",337                    value: config.issue.user.login338                });339            }340341            log.debug("Patch document:", patchDoc);342343            let conn = this.getConnection(config);344            let client = await conn.getWorkItemTrackingApi();345            let result = null;346347            try {348                result = await client.createWorkItem([], patchDoc, config.ado.project, config.ado.wit, false, config.ado.bypassRules);349350                if (result === null) {351                    log.error("Error: failure creating work item.");352                    log.error(`WIT may not be correct: ${config.ado.wit}`);353                    core.setFailed();354                    return -1;355                }356357                log.debug(result);358                log.info("Successfully created work item:", result.id);359360                return result;361            } catch (exc) {362                log.error("Error: failure creating work item.");363                log.error(exc);364                core.setFailed(exc);365                return -1;366            }367        });368    }369
370    async closeWorkItem(config) {
371        log.info("Closing work item...");