Zxce3 / userbot

Line too long FLK-E501
a year ago2 years old
line too long (105 > 88 characters)
123        completed = subprocess.run(["python3", "-m", "pip", "install", package_name])
124        if completed.returncode != 0:
125            raise AssertionError(
126                f"Failed to install library {package_name} (pip exited with code {completed.returncode})"127            )
128        return importlib.import_module(library_name)
line too long (136 > 88 characters)
10        await msg.edit(f"`{prefix}stack` **query**")
11        return
12    query = msg.text.split(None, 1)[1]
13    url = "https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/search/advanced?order=desc&sort=relevance&q=" + query + "&accepted=True&site=stackoverflow"14    r = requests.get(url)
15    if r.status_code == 404:
16        await msg.edit("Query not found")
line too long (113 > 88 characters)
79async def getNekoList(app, msg):
80    sfw = "\n- ".join(dsfw)
81    nsfw = "\n- ".join(dnsfw)
82    await msg.edit(f"**SFW (Safe for work) list** \n\n- {sfw}\n\n**NSFW (NOT safe for work) list** \n\n- {nsfw}")83# Help module
84modules_help['neko'] = {
85    'neko <category>': 'Get neko from nekos.life api/v2/img',
line too long (112 > 88 characters)
33"**spank** : `NSFW for butts`",
34"**gasm** : `aheago`",
35"**lesbian** : `girls rule!`",
36"**lewd** : `⚠️WARNING this folder is unsorted I would not use it untill weve filtered out loli/shota content`",37"**pussy** : `u-ummm > ///<`"
line too long (366 > 88 characters)
33        await msg.edit("This is private chat")
34        return
35    if msg.reply_to_message:
36        await msg.edit(f"Chat id: `{msg.chat.id}`\nUser id: `{msg.reply_to_message.from_user.id}`\nUser rep id: `{msg.reply_to_message.forward_from.id}`\nUser forward from id: `{msg.reply_to_message.forward_from_chat.id}`\nUser forward name id: `{msg.reply_to_message.forward_sender_name}`\nUser forward message id: `{msg.reply_to_message.forward_from_message_id}`")37    else:
38        await msg.edit(f"Chat id: `{msg.chat.id}`")