SonarOpenCommunity / sonar-cxx

Whitespace after opening parenthesis detected FLK-E201
7 months ago3 years old
103    print('\tprint logs ...', flush=True)
104    try:
105        logpath = get_sonar_log_folder(sonarhome)
106        filelist = [ f for f in os.listdir(logpath) if f.endswith('.log') ]107        for filename in filelist:
108            print('\n--- ' + filename + ' ---', flush=True)
109            with open(os.path.join(logpath, filename), 'r', encoding='utf8') as file:
 92    print('\tcleaning logs ... ', end='', flush=True)
 93    try:
 94        logpath = get_sonar_log_folder(sonarhome)
 95        filelist = [ f for f in os.listdir(logpath) if f.endswith('.log') ] 96        for filename in filelist:
 97            os.remove(os.path.join(logpath, filename))
 98    except OSError:
214        Tokens of rules are replaced recursively.
215        """
216        for rulename, sequences in list(self.rules.items()):
217            already_replaced = { rulename }218            while True:
219                expanded_sequences = []
220                sequences_replaced = set()