Olimpiadas-INET-2024-Escuela-Tecnica-21 / fase1_backend

Documentation comments not found for functions and classes JS-D1001
10 occurrences in this check
Documentation comment not found for class Product
 2import productRegisterSchema from '../validators/product.schema.js';
 3import { ProductRepository } from './repository.js';
 5class Product extends Entity { 6    constructor() {
 7        super(productRegisterSchema , ProductRepository)
 8    }
Documentation comment not found for class Order
 2import orderRegisterSchema from '../validators/order.schema.js';
 3import { OrderRepository } from './repository.js';
 5class Order extends Entity { 6    constructor() {
 7        super(orderRegisterSchema , OrderRepository)
 8    }
Documentation comment not found for method definition sayHi
 6    constructor(){
 7        super(TestController, entity)
 8    }
 9    static async sayHi(){10        try{
11            return entity.sayHello()
12        }
Documentation comment not found for class TestController
 2import Controller from "./controller.js";
 3const entity = new TestEntity()
 5class TestController extends Controller{ 6    constructor(){
 7        super(TestController, entity)
 8    }
Documentation comment not found for method definition update
38        }
39    }
41    async update(req, res){42        try{
43            await this.model.update(req.params.id, req.body)
44            return res.json({ msg: `Se ha actualizado el ${Object.getPrototypeOf(this)} exitosamente` })
Documentation comment not found for method definition findById
28        }
29    } 
31    async findById(req, res){32        try{
33            const result = await this.model.findOne(req.params.id)
34            return res.json({ msg: `Se encontró el siguiente ${Object.getPrototypeOf(this)}`, data: result })
Documentation comment not found for method definition find
18        }
19    }
21    async find(req, res){22        try{
23            const results = await this.model.findmany()
24            return res.json({ msg: `Se encontraron los siguientes resultados`, data: results })
Documentation comment not found for method definition create
 8        this.model = model
 9    }
11    async create(req, res){12        try{
13            await this.model.create(req.body)
14            return res.json({ msg: `El ${Object.getPrototypeOf(this)} ha sido creado con exito!` })
Documentation comment not found for class Controller
 1export default class Controller { 2    constructor(controller, model) {
 3        if (new.target === Controller) {
 4            throw new Error('5: Cannot create an instance of Controller because it is an abstract class');
Documentation comment not found for class clientController
 2import Controller from './controller.js'
 3const modeloCliente = new ClientModel()
 5class clientController extends Controller{ 6
 7    constructor(){
 8        super(clientController, modeloCliente)