MissouriMRDT / Autonomy_Software

Use double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting SH-2086
Bug risk
44 occurrences in this check
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
35valgrind_cmd+=" $executable_path"
37# Run the Valgrind command
38timeout --signal=SIGINT 60s $valgrind_cmd39
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
17script_dir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )"
19# Attempt to copy the suppressions files from OpenCV install to project directory.
20cp /usr/local/share/opencv*/*.supp $script_dir21
22# Find all .supp files in the same directory as the script
23supp_files=$(find "$script_dir" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.supp")
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
41	echo "Make sure to disconnect from the network before trying to reach the internet!"
44if [ $1 = "on" ] || [ $1 = "off" ]; then45	echo "Restarting network-manager"
46	service network-manager restart
47	echo "Restarting networking"
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
41	echo "Make sure to disconnect from the network before trying to reach the internet!"
44if [ $1 = "on" ] || [ $1 = "off" ]; then45	echo "Restarting network-manager"
46	service network-manager restart
47	echo "Restarting networking"
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
20	echo "" >> "${NETWORK}"
22	echo "Static IP has been turned ON"
23elif [ $1 = "off" ]; then24	echo "Turning Off -  Static IP"
26        echo "# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)" > "${NETWORK}"
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
 5if [ $1 = "on" ]; then 6	echo "Turning On - Static IP"
 8	echo "# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)" > "${NETWORK}"
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
 18    echo "rebuilding_pkg=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
 20    echo "Package version ${TENSORFLOW_VERSION} does not exist in the repository. Building the package."
 21    echo "rebuilding_pkg=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT 22
 23    # Install BAZEL build system.
 24    wget https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazelisk/releases/download/v1.19.0/bazelisk-linux-arm64
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
 15# Check if the file exists
 16if curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "$FILE_URL"; then
 17    echo "Package version ${TENSORFLOW_VERSION} already exists in the repository. Skipping build."
 18    echo "rebuilding_pkg=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT 19else
 20    echo "Package version ${TENSORFLOW_VERSION} does not exist in the repository. Building the package."
 21    echo "rebuilding_pkg=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
 18    echo "rebuilding_pkg=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
 20    echo "Package version ${TENSORFLOW_VERSION} does not exist in the repository. Building the package."
 21    echo "rebuilding_pkg=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT 22
 23    # Install BAZEL build system.
 24    curl -fsSL https://bazel.build/bazel-release.pub.gpg | gpg --dearmor >bazel-archive-keyring.gpg
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
 15# Check if the file exists
 16if curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "$FILE_URL"; then
 17    echo "Package version ${TENSORFLOW_VERSION} already exists in the repository. Skipping build."
 18    echo "rebuilding_pkg=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT 19else
 20    echo "Package version ${TENSORFLOW_VERSION} does not exist in the repository. Building the package."
 21    echo "rebuilding_pkg=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
15    echo "rebuilding_pkg=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
17    echo "Package version ${QUILL_VERSION} does not exist in the repository. Building the package."
18    echo "rebuilding_pkg=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT19
20    # Delete Old Packages
21    rm -rf /tmp/pkg
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
12# Check if the file exists
13if curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "$FILE_URL"; then
14    echo "Package version ${QUILL_VERSION} already exists in the repository. Skipping build."
15    echo "rebuilding_pkg=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT16else
17    echo "Package version ${QUILL_VERSION} does not exist in the repository. Building the package."
18    echo "rebuilding_pkg=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
15    echo "rebuilding_pkg=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
17    echo "Package version ${QUILL_VERSION} does not exist in the repository. Building the package."
18    echo "rebuilding_pkg=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT19    
20    # Delete Old Packages
21    rm -rf /tmp/pkg
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
12# Check if the file exists
13if curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "$FILE_URL"; then
14    echo "Package version ${QUILL_VERSION} already exists in the repository. Skipping build."
15    echo "rebuilding_pkg=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT16else
17    echo "Package version ${QUILL_VERSION} does not exist in the repository. Building the package."
18    echo "rebuilding_pkg=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
16    echo "rebuilding_pkg=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
18    echo "Package version ${TORCH_VERSION} does not exist in the repository. Building the package."
19    echo "rebuilding_pkg=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT20
21    # Install dependencies.
22    apt update && apt install -y python3-numpy python-is-python3
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
13# Check if the file exists
14if curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "$FILE_URL"; then
15    echo "Package version ${TORCH_VERSION} already exists in the repository. Skipping build."
16    echo "rebuilding_pkg=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT17else
18    echo "Package version ${TORCH_VERSION} does not exist in the repository. Building the package."
19    echo "rebuilding_pkg=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
16    echo "rebuilding_pkg=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
18    echo "Package version ${TORCH_VERSION} does not exist in the repository. Building the package."
19    echo "rebuilding_pkg=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT20    
21    # Delete Old Packages
22    rm -rf /tmp/pkg
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
13# Check if the file exists
14if curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "$FILE_URL"; then
15    echo "Package version ${TORCH_VERSION} already exists in the repository. Skipping build."
16    echo "rebuilding_pkg=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT17else
18    echo "Package version ${TORCH_VERSION} does not exist in the repository. Building the package."
19    echo "rebuilding_pkg=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
15    echo "rebuilding_pkg=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
17    echo "Package version ${OPENCV_VERSION} does not exist in the repository. Building the package."
18    echo "rebuilding_pkg=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT19
20    # Delete Old Packages
21    rm -rf /tmp/pkg
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
12# Check if the file exists
13if curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "$FILE_URL"; then
14    echo "Package version ${OPENCV_VERSION} already exists in the repository. Skipping build."
15    echo "rebuilding_pkg=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT16else
17    echo "Package version ${OPENCV_VERSION} does not exist in the repository. Building the package."
18    echo "rebuilding_pkg=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
15    echo "rebuilding_pkg=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
17    echo "Package version ${OPENCV_VERSION} does not exist in the repository. Building the package."
18    echo "rebuilding_pkg=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT19
20    # Delete Old Packages
21    rm -rf /tmp/pkg
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
12# Check if the file exists
13if curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "$FILE_URL"; then
14    echo "Package version ${OPENCV_VERSION} already exists in the repository. Skipping build."
15    echo "rebuilding_pkg=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT16else
17    echo "Package version ${OPENCV_VERSION} does not exist in the repository. Building the package."
18    echo "rebuilding_pkg=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
15    echo "rebuilding_pkg=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
17    echo "Package version ${GTEST_VERSION} does not exist in the repository. Building the package."
18    echo "rebuilding_pkg=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT19    
20    # Delete Old Packages
21    rm -rf /tmp/pkg
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
12# Check if the file exists
13if curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "$FILE_URL"; then
14    echo "Package version ${GTEST_VERSION} already exists in the repository. Skipping build."
15    echo "rebuilding_pkg=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT16else
17    echo "Package version ${GTEST_VERSION} does not exist in the repository. Building the package."
18    echo "rebuilding_pkg=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
15    echo "rebuilding_pkg=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
17    echo "Package version ${GTEST_VERSION} does not exist in the repository. Building the package."
18    echo "rebuilding_pkg=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT19    
20    # Delete Old Packages
21    rm -rf /tmp/pkg