MissouriMRDT / Autonomy_Software

Detected use of escape sequences with echo DOK-SC2028
Bug risk
2 occurrences in this check
echo may not expand escape sequences. Use printf.
41RUN chown -R docker ~docker && /home/docker/actions-runner/bin/installdependencies.sh
43# Prevent SSH repo timout for an hour.
44RUN mkdir -p /root/.ssh && echo "Host *\n  ServerAliveInterval 60\n  ServerAliveCountMax 60" >> ~/.ssh/config45
46# Remove Autonomy Software
47RUN rm -rf /opt/Autonomy_Software
echo may not expand escape sequences. Use printf.
41RUN chown -R docker ~docker && /home/docker/actions-runner/bin/installdependencies.sh
43# Prevent SSH repo timout for an hour.
44RUN mkdir -p /root/.ssh && echo "Host *\n  ServerAliveInterval 60\n  ServerAliveCountMax 60" >> ~/.ssh/config45
46# Remove Autonomy Software
47RUN rm -rf /opt/Autonomy_Software