MissouriMRDT / Autonomy_Software

Found visually ambigious integer literal constant CXX-C2018
Bug risk
14 occurrences in this check
floating point literal has suffix 'f', which is not uppercase
 78        // Mutators.
 79        /////////////////////////////////////////
 81        void EnableTensorflowDetection(const float fMinObjectConfidence = 0.4f, const float fNMSThreshold = 0.6f); 82        void DisableTensorflowDetection();
 83        void SetDetectorFPS(const int nRecordingFPS);
 84        void SetEnableRecordingFlag(const bool bEnableRecordingFlag);
floating point literal has suffix 'f', which is not uppercase
 78        // Mutators.
 79        /////////////////////////////////////////
 81        void EnableTensorflowDetection(const float fMinObjectConfidence = 0.4f, const float fNMSThreshold = 0.6f); 82        void DisableTensorflowDetection();
 83        void SetDetectorFPS(const int nRecordingFPS);
 84        void SetEnableRecordingFlag(const bool bEnableRecordingFlag);
floating point literal has suffix 'f', which is not uppercase
123    // Remap -1.0 - 1.0 range to drive power range defined in constants. This is so that the driveboard/rovecomm can understand our input.
124    float fDriveBoardLeftPower  = numops::MapRange(float(dLeftSpeed), -1.0f, 1.0f, m_fMinDriveEffort, m_fMaxDriveEffort);
125    float fDriveBoardRightPower = numops::MapRange(float(dRightSpeed), -1.0f, 1.0f, m_fMinDriveEffort, m_fMaxDriveEffort);126    // Limit the power to max and min effort defined in constants.
127    fDriveBoardLeftPower  = std::clamp(float(fDriveBoardLeftPower), constants::DRIVE_MIN_POWER, constants::DRIVE_MAX_POWER);
128    fDriveBoardRightPower = std::clamp(float(fDriveBoardRightPower), constants::DRIVE_MIN_POWER, constants::DRIVE_MAX_POWER);
floating point literal has suffix 'f', which is not uppercase
123    // Remap -1.0 - 1.0 range to drive power range defined in constants. This is so that the driveboard/rovecomm can understand our input.
124    float fDriveBoardLeftPower  = numops::MapRange(float(dLeftSpeed), -1.0f, 1.0f, m_fMinDriveEffort, m_fMaxDriveEffort);
125    float fDriveBoardRightPower = numops::MapRange(float(dRightSpeed), -1.0f, 1.0f, m_fMinDriveEffort, m_fMaxDriveEffort);126    // Limit the power to max and min effort defined in constants.
127    fDriveBoardLeftPower  = std::clamp(float(fDriveBoardLeftPower), constants::DRIVE_MIN_POWER, constants::DRIVE_MAX_POWER);
128    fDriveBoardRightPower = std::clamp(float(fDriveBoardRightPower), constants::DRIVE_MIN_POWER, constants::DRIVE_MAX_POWER);
floating point literal has suffix 'f', which is not uppercase
121    double dRightSpeed = std::clamp(stDrivePowers.dRightDrivePower, -1.0, 1.0);
123    // Remap -1.0 - 1.0 range to drive power range defined in constants. This is so that the driveboard/rovecomm can understand our input.
124    float fDriveBoardLeftPower  = numops::MapRange(float(dLeftSpeed), -1.0f, 1.0f, m_fMinDriveEffort, m_fMaxDriveEffort);125    float fDriveBoardRightPower = numops::MapRange(float(dRightSpeed), -1.0f, 1.0f, m_fMinDriveEffort, m_fMaxDriveEffort);
126    // Limit the power to max and min effort defined in constants.
127    fDriveBoardLeftPower  = std::clamp(float(fDriveBoardLeftPower), constants::DRIVE_MIN_POWER, constants::DRIVE_MAX_POWER);
floating point literal has suffix 'f', which is not uppercase
121    double dRightSpeed = std::clamp(stDrivePowers.dRightDrivePower, -1.0, 1.0);
123    // Remap -1.0 - 1.0 range to drive power range defined in constants. This is so that the driveboard/rovecomm can understand our input.
124    float fDriveBoardLeftPower  = numops::MapRange(float(dLeftSpeed), -1.0f, 1.0f, m_fMinDriveEffort, m_fMaxDriveEffort);125    float fDriveBoardRightPower = numops::MapRange(float(dRightSpeed), -1.0f, 1.0f, m_fMinDriveEffort, m_fMaxDriveEffort);
126    // Limit the power to max and min effort defined in constants.
127    fDriveBoardLeftPower  = std::clamp(float(fDriveBoardLeftPower), constants::DRIVE_MIN_POWER, constants::DRIVE_MAX_POWER);
floating point literal has suffix 'f', which is not uppercase
274    const bool TAGDETECT_RIGHTCAM_ENABLE_DNN             = false;                            // Whether or not to use DNN detection on top of ArUco.
275    const std::string TAGDETECT_RIGHTCAM_MODEL_PATH = "../data/models/yolo_models/tag/v5n_x320_200epochs/best_edgetpu.tflite";    // The model path to use for detection.
276    const float TAGDETECT_RIGHTCAM_DNN_CONFIDENCE   = 0.4f;    // The minimum confidence to consider a viable AR tag detection.
277    const float TAGDETECT_RIGHTCAM_DNN_NMS_THRESH   = 0.4f;    // The threshold for non-max suppression filtering.278
279    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
280    //// Object Detection Handler Adjustments.
floating point literal has suffix 'f', which is not uppercase
273    const int TAGDETECT_RIGHTCAM_MAX_FPS                 = 30;                               // The max iterations per second of the tag detector.
274    const bool TAGDETECT_RIGHTCAM_ENABLE_DNN             = false;                            // Whether or not to use DNN detection on top of ArUco.
275    const std::string TAGDETECT_RIGHTCAM_MODEL_PATH = "../data/models/yolo_models/tag/v5n_x320_200epochs/best_edgetpu.tflite";    // The model path to use for detection.
276    const float TAGDETECT_RIGHTCAM_DNN_CONFIDENCE   = 0.4f;    // The minimum confidence to consider a viable AR tag detection.277    const float TAGDETECT_RIGHTCAM_DNN_NMS_THRESH   = 0.4f;    // The threshold for non-max suppression filtering.
279    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
floating point literal has suffix 'f', which is not uppercase
261    const bool TAGDETECT_LEFTCAM_ENABLE_DNN             = false;                            // Whether or not to use DNN detection on top of ArUco.
262    const std::string TAGDETECT_LEFTCAM_MODEL_PATH = "../data/models/yolo_models/tag/v5n_x320_200epochs/best_edgetpu.tflite";    // The model path to use for detection.
263    const float TAGDETECT_LEFTCAM_DNN_CONFIDENCE   = 0.4f;    // The minimum confidence to consider a viable AR tag detection.
264    const float TAGDETECT_LEFTCAM_DNN_NMS_THRESH   = 0.4f;    // The threshold for non-max suppression filtering.265
266    // Right ZED Camera.
267    const int TAGDETECT_RIGHTCAM_DATA_RETRIEVAL_THREADS  = 2;     // The number of threads allocated to the threadpool for performing data copies to other threads.
floating point literal has suffix 'f', which is not uppercase
260    const int TAGDETECT_LEFTCAM_MAX_FPS                 = 30;                               // The max iterations per second of the tag detector.
261    const bool TAGDETECT_LEFTCAM_ENABLE_DNN             = false;                            // Whether or not to use DNN detection on top of ArUco.
262    const std::string TAGDETECT_LEFTCAM_MODEL_PATH = "../data/models/yolo_models/tag/v5n_x320_200epochs/best_edgetpu.tflite";    // The model path to use for detection.
263    const float TAGDETECT_LEFTCAM_DNN_CONFIDENCE   = 0.4f;    // The minimum confidence to consider a viable AR tag detection.264    const float TAGDETECT_LEFTCAM_DNN_NMS_THRESH   = 0.4f;    // The threshold for non-max suppression filtering.
266    // Right ZED Camera.
floating point literal has suffix 'f', which is not uppercase
248    const bool TAGDETECT_MAINCAM_ENABLE_DNN             = true;                             // Whether or not to use DNN detection on top of ArUco.
249    const std::string TAGDETECT_MAINCAM_MODEL_PATH = "../data/models/yolo_models/tag/v5n_x320_200epochs/best_edgetpu.tflite";    // The model path to use for detection.
250    const float TAGDETECT_MAINCAM_DNN_CONFIDENCE   = 0.4f;    // The minimum confidence to consider a viable AR tag detection.
251    const float TAGDETECT_MAINCAM_DNN_NMS_THRESH   = 0.4f;    // The threshold for non-max suppression filtering.252
253    // Left ZED Camera.
254    const int TAGDETECT_LEFTCAM_DATA_RETRIEVAL_THREADS  = 2;     // The number of threads allocated to the threadpool for performing data copies to other threads.
floating point literal has suffix 'f', which is not uppercase
247    const int TAGDETECT_MAINCAM_MAX_FPS                 = 30;                               // The max iterations per second of the tag detector.
248    const bool TAGDETECT_MAINCAM_ENABLE_DNN             = true;                             // Whether or not to use DNN detection on top of ArUco.
249    const std::string TAGDETECT_MAINCAM_MODEL_PATH = "../data/models/yolo_models/tag/v5n_x320_200epochs/best_edgetpu.tflite";    // The model path to use for detection.
250    const float TAGDETECT_MAINCAM_DNN_CONFIDENCE   = 0.4f;    // The minimum confidence to consider a viable AR tag detection.251    const float TAGDETECT_MAINCAM_DNN_NMS_THRESH   = 0.4f;    // The threshold for non-max suppression filtering.
253    // Left ZED Camera.
floating point literal has suffix 'f', which is not uppercase
224    // OpenCV ArUco detection config.
225    const cv::aruco::PredefinedDictionaryType ARUCO_DICTIONARY = cv::aruco::DICT_4X4_50;    // The predefined ArUco dictionary to use for detections.
226    const float ARUCO_TAG_SIDE_LENGTH                          = 0.015f;                    // Size of the white borders around the tag.227    const int ARUCO_VALIDATION_THRESHOLD             = 5;      // How many times does the tag need to be detected(hit) before being validated as an actual aruco tag.
228    const int ARUCO_UNVALIDATED_TAG_FORGET_THRESHOLD = 5;      // How many times can an unvalidated tag be missing from frame before being forgotten.
229    const int ARUCO_VALIDATED_TAG_FORGET_THRESHOLD   = 10;     // How many times can a validated tag be missing from frame before being forgotten.
floating point literal has suffix 'f', which is not uppercase
145    // ZedCam Spatial Mapping Config.
146    const sl::SpatialMappingParameters::SPATIAL_MAP_TYPE ZED_MAPPING_TYPE = sl::SpatialMappingParameters::SPATIAL_MAP_TYPE::MESH;    // Mesh or point cloud output.
147    const float ZED_MAPPING_RANGE_METER                                   = 20.0;     // The max range in meters that the ZED cameras should use for mapping. 0 = auto.
148    const float ZED_MAPPING_RESOLUTION_METER                              = 0.03f;    // The approx goal precision for spatial mapping in METERS. Higher = Faster.149    const int ZED_MAPPING_MAX_MEMORY                                      = 4096;     // The max amount of CPU RAM (MB) that can be allocated for spatial mapping.
150    const bool ZED_MAPPING_USE_CHUNK_ONLY   = true;    // Only update chunks that have probably changed or have new data. Faster, less accurate.
151    const int ZED_MAPPING_STABILITY_COUNTER = 3;       // Number of times that a point should be seen before adding to mesh.