Loco-CTO / Rystal-V6-Experiments

Attribute defined outside __init__ PYL-W0201
6 occurrences in this check
Attribute 'interaction' defined outside __init__
207    async def start(self, interaction: nextcord.Interaction):
208        self.author = interaction.user
209        self.channel = interaction.channel
210        self.interaction = interaction
Attribute 'channel' defined outside __init__
207    async def start(self, interaction: nextcord.Interaction):
208        self.author = interaction.user
209        self.channel = interaction.channel210        self.interaction = interaction
Attribute 'author' defined outside __init__
205        )
207    async def start(self, interaction: nextcord.Interaction):
208        self.author = interaction.user209        self.channel = interaction.channel
210        self.interaction = interaction
Attribute 'interaction' defined outside __init__
165        """
166        self.author = interaction.user
167        self.channel = interaction.channel
168        self.interaction = interaction169        dropdown = DropdownSelector(
170            options=self.options,
171            placeholder=self.placeholder,
Attribute 'channel' defined outside __init__
164            interaction (nextcord.Interaction): The interaction that triggered the view.
165        """
166        self.author = interaction.user
167        self.channel = interaction.channel168        self.interaction = interaction
169        dropdown = DropdownSelector(
170            options=self.options,
Attribute 'author' defined outside __init__
163        Args:
164            interaction (nextcord.Interaction): The interaction that triggered the view.
165        """
166        self.author = interaction.user167        self.channel = interaction.channel
168        self.interaction = interaction
169        dropdown = DropdownSelector(