KOSASIH / pipfs-hub

Avoid using wildcard imports JS-C1003
4 months ago4 months old
Explicitly import the specific method needed
 1import * as IPFS from 'ipfs-core';
 2import * as PiNetwork from '../src/pi-network-sdk'; 3
 4async function main() {
 5  const ipfsNode = await IPFS.create();
Explicitly import the specific method needed
 1import * as IPFS from 'ipfs-core'; 2import * as PiNetwork from '../src/pi-network-sdk';
 4async function main() {
Explicitly import the specific method needed
 1import * as IPFS from 'ipfs-core';
 2import * as PiNetwork from '../src/pi-network-sdk'; 3
 4async function main() {
 5  const ipfsNode = await IPFS.create();
Explicitly import the specific method needed
 1import * as IPFS from 'ipfs-core'; 2import * as PiNetwork from '../src/pi-network-sdk';
 4async function main() {