KOSASIH / cosmic-pi-network

Class methods should utilize this JS-0105
3 months ago3 months old
Expected 'this' to be used by class method 'authenticate'
18        throw new Error('Not implemented');
19    }
21    public authenticate(identity: Identity, password: string): boolean {22        // Authenticate using the identity
23        throw new Error('Not implemented');
24    }
Expected 'this' to be used by class method 'storeIdentity'
13        throw new Error('Not implemented');
14    }
16    public storeIdentity(identity: Identity): void {17        // Store the identity on the blockchain
18        throw new Error('Not implemented');
19    }
Expected 'this' to be used by class method 'generateIdentity'
 8        this.blockchain = new Blockchain();
 9    }
11    public generateIdentity(): Identity {12        // Generate a new decentralized identity
13        throw new Error('Not implemented');
14    }