KOSASIH / ExoGenesis

Doc line too long FLK-W505
3 months ago3 months old
doc line too long (90 > 88 characters)
10    Parameters:
11    exo_genesis_system (dict): A dictionary representing the ExoGenesis system to be protected.
12    threat_data (dict): A dictionary containing threat data and potential vulnerabilities.13
14    Returns:
15    str: A message indicating the status of the protection process.
doc line too long (95 > 88 characters)
 8    Utilizes advanced AI systems to fortify ExoGenesis systems against cyber threats and vulnerabilities.
10    Parameters:
11    exo_genesis_system (dict): A dictionary representing the ExoGenesis system to be protected.12    threat_data (dict): A dictionary containing threat data and potential vulnerabilities.
14    Returns:
doc line too long (105 > 88 characters)
 6def fortitech_guard(exo_genesis_system, threat_data):
 7    """
 8    Utilizes advanced AI systems to fortify ExoGenesis systems against cyber threats and vulnerabilities. 9
10    Parameters:
11    exo_genesis_system (dict): A dictionary representing the ExoGenesis system to be protected.
doc line too long (91 > 88 characters)
 6def securaitron(data, labels):
 7    """
 8    Utilizes advanced AI technology to ensure unparalleled security for ExoGenesis systems. 9
10    Parameters:
11    data (np.array): Input data for training the AI model.
doc line too long (103 > 88 characters)
 5def tech_solve_ai(code, error_message):
 6    """
 7    A function that uses advanced AI-powered techniques to fix code errors and malfunctions seamlessly. 8
 9    Parameters:
10    code (str): The code with errors or malfunctions.