Counselllor / Counsellor-Web

Validation of JSX maximum depth JS-0415
3 occurrences in this check
JSX tree is too deeply nested. Found 6 levels of nesting
 5const Navbar = () => {
 6  return (
 7    <> 8      <nav id="navbar">
 9        <img id='logo' src={Logo} alt="logo" />
10        <ul>
JSX tree is too deeply nested. Found 5 levels of nesting
186      </div>
187      <div className="colleges">
188        {, index) => (
189          <div190            className={`college ${activeIndex === index ? 'active' : ''}`}191            key={}192            onClick={() => handleCollegeClick(college)}193            onTouchStart={() => handleTouchStart(index)}194            onTouchEnd={handleTouchEnd}195          >196            <div className="college-content">
197              <div className="up">
198                <img className="college-image" src={college.imageURL} alt="College Logo" />
JSX tree is too deeply nested. Found 7 levels of nesting
101  }, []);
103  return (
104    <main>105      <div className="scroll">
106        <ScrollToTop
107          smooth