Use const declarations for variables that are never reassigned JS-0242
43 occurrences in this check
'end_PWM' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
202                    PWM_values.push(Math.round(uL_table[i + 1])); // Add rounded PWM value to PWM_values list for record keeping and debugging
203                    console.log(end_PWM); //////////// Send pump number and rounded PWM value to arduino
204                } else {
205                    let end_PWM = Math.round(uL_table[i + 3]); // used for PWM tracking206                }
207            }
208            // If normal step
'end_PWM' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
198                // If last step
199                if (Math.abs(uL_table[i] - goal_uL) < Math.abs(uL_table[i + 2] - goal_uL)) {
200                    // if this uL value from uL_table is closer to goal_uL than the previous one
201                    let end_PWM = Math.round(uL_table[i + 1]); // used for PWM tracking202                    PWM_values.push(Math.round(uL_table[i + 1])); // Add rounded PWM value to PWM_values list for record keeping and debugging
203                    console.log(end_PWM); //////////// Send pump number and rounded PWM value to arduino
204                } else {
'end_PWM' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
179                    PWM_values.push(Math.round(uL_table[i + 1])); // Add rounded PWM value to PWM_values list for record keeping and debugging
180                    //console.log(end_PWM);                                   //////////// Send pump number and rounded PWM value to arduino
181                } else {
182                    let end_PWM = Math.round(uL_table[i - 1]); // used for PWM tracking183                }
184            }
185            // If normal step
'end_PWM' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
175                // If last step
176                if (Math.abs(uL_table[i] - goal_uL) < Math.abs(uL_table[i - 2] - goal_uL)) {
177                    // if this uL value from uL_table is closer to goal_uL than the previous one
178                    let end_PWM = Math.round(uL_table[i + 1]); // used for PWM tracking179                    PWM_values.push(Math.round(uL_table[i + 1])); // Add rounded PWM value to PWM_values list for record keeping and debugging
180                    //console.log(end_PWM);                                   //////////// Send pump number and rounded PWM value to arduino
181                } else {
'PWM_values' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
166    // Iterate through uL_table from next uL_index and go specified number of steps
167    // MUST DELAY each console.log by the letiable 'seconds_per_step'
168    let PWM_values = []; // Used to keep track of PWM steps to move, for record keeping and debugging169    if (going_up_uL) {
170        // if increasing in uL from current_uL to goal_uL
171        for (let i = first_uL_index; i <= goal_uL_index; i = i + 2) {
'going_up_uL' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
126    // Find current place and goal place in uL_table
127    let f_found = false; // set to true when the first_uL_index is found to avoid this if statment through rest of loop
128    let going_up_uL = goal_uL - current_uL > 0;129    let first_uL_index = 0;
130    let goal_uL_index = 0;
'seconds_per_step' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
122    // Get number of steps per second and number of seconds per step
123    let steps_per_second = num_steps / time_sec; // send to user, not used in program
124    let seconds_per_step = time_sec / num_steps; // needed for delay between step125
126    // Find current place and goal place in uL_table
127    let f_found = false; // set to true when the first_uL_index is found to avoid this if statment through rest of loop
'steps_per_second' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
120    let num_steps = uL_to_dispense / uL_precision;
122    // Get number of steps per second and number of seconds per step
123    let steps_per_second = num_steps / time_sec; // send to user, not used in program124    let seconds_per_step = time_sec / num_steps; // needed for delay between step
126    // Find current place and goal place in uL_table
'num_steps' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
117    let uL_to_dispense = Math.abs(goal_uL - current_uL);
119    // Get Total number of steps
120    let num_steps = uL_to_dispense / uL_precision;121
122    // Get number of steps per second and number of seconds per step
123    let steps_per_second = num_steps / time_sec; // send to user, not used in program
'uL_to_dispense' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
115export function even_uL_steps(uL_table, PWM_table, uL_precision, current_uL, goal_uL, time_sec) {
116    // Get uL_to_dispense
117    let uL_to_dispense = Math.abs(goal_uL - current_uL);118
119    // Get Total number of steps
120    let num_steps = uL_to_dispense / uL_precision;
'uL_dic' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
 55    // create uL_table
 56    let uL_table = [];
 57    let uL_dic = {}; 58    for (let uLValue = uL_min; uLValue < uL_range + uL_min + uL_precision; uLValue = uLValue + uL_precision) {
 59        // From uL_min (a given) to uL_min+uL_range! uL_precision added on to allow last uL value to be iterated through. Increase by steps of uL_precision
 60        // rename i (which is current uL value)
'uL_table' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
 53    }
 55    // create uL_table
 56    let uL_table = []; 57    let uL_dic = {};
 58    for (let uLValue = uL_min; uLValue < uL_range + uL_min + uL_precision; uLValue = uLValue + uL_precision) {
 59        // From uL_min (a given) to uL_min+uL_range! uL_precision added on to allow last uL value to be iterated through. Increase by steps of uL_precision
'uL_diff_prev' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
 46        // Find uL_precision by finding the max uL difference between PWM values.
 47        let uL_diff = PWM_table[PWM_table.length - 1] - PWM_table[PWM_table.length - 3];
 48        let uL_diff_prev = PWM_table[PWM_table.length - 3] - PWM_table[PWM_table.length - 5]; 49        if (uL_diff < uL_diff_prev && not_found) {
 50            uL_precision = Math.round(uL_diff_prev * 100) / 100;
 51            not_found = false;
'uL_diff' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
 44        PWM_dic[i] = uL_temp;
 46        // Find uL_precision by finding the max uL difference between PWM values.
 47        let uL_diff = PWM_table[PWM_table.length - 1] - PWM_table[PWM_table.length - 3]; 48        let uL_diff_prev = PWM_table[PWM_table.length - 3] - PWM_table[PWM_table.length - 5];
 49        if (uL_diff < uL_diff_prev && not_found) {
 50            uL_precision = Math.round(uL_diff_prev * 100) / 100;
'uL_temp' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
 38        // From PWM_min value to PWM_max value
 39        PWM_table.push(i); // Add current PWM value to PWM_table
 40        let mL_temp = mL_max - (r * Math.cos(PWM2rad(i)) + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b, 2) - Math.pow(r * Math.sin(PWM2rad(i)) + d, 2)) - X_min) / a; // Calculate mL value with formula of motion
 41        let uL_temp = Math.round(mL_temp * 100000) / 100; // convert to uL and round to first decimal place 42        PWM_table.push(uL_temp); // Add uL value to PWM_table
 44        PWM_dic[i] = uL_temp;
'mL_temp' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
 37    for (let i = PWM_MIN; i <= PWM_MAX; i++) {
 38        // From PWM_min value to PWM_max value
 39        PWM_table.push(i); // Add current PWM value to PWM_table
 40        let mL_temp = mL_max - (r * Math.cos(PWM2rad(i)) + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b, 2) - Math.pow(r * Math.sin(PWM2rad(i)) + d, 2)) - X_min) / a; // Calculate mL value with formula of motion 41        let uL_temp = Math.round(mL_temp * 100000) / 100; // convert to uL and round to first decimal place
 42        PWM_table.push(uL_temp); // Add uL value to PWM_table
'PWM_dic' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
 31    // Create PWM_table and find uL_precision
 32    let PWM_table = []; // used in this inner function
 33    let PWM_dic = {}; // passed as output to easily hash 34    let uL_precision = 0;
 36    let not_found = true;
'PWM_table' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
 29    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 31    // Create PWM_table and find uL_precision
 32    let PWM_table = []; // used in this inner function 33    let PWM_dic = {}; // passed as output to easily hash
 34    let uL_precision = 0;
'uL_range' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
 24    let uL_min = mL_min * 1000; // convert incoming letiables from mL to uL
 25    let uL_max = mL_max * 1000;
 26    let mL_range = mL_max - mL_min;
 27    let uL_range = mL_range * 1000; // convert incoming letiables from mL to uL 28
 29    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'mL_range' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
 23    let mL_max = mL_min + (X_max - X_min) / a; // Calculate mLmax by S
 24    let uL_min = mL_min * 1000; // convert incoming letiables from mL to uL
 25    let uL_max = mL_max * 1000;
 26    let mL_range = mL_max - mL_min; 27    let uL_range = mL_range * 1000; // convert incoming letiables from mL to uL
 29    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'uL_max' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
 22    let mL_min = 0; // Default value for mLmax, initalized by user in Assembly step. MUST be true
 23    let mL_max = mL_min + (X_max - X_min) / a; // Calculate mLmax by S
 24    let uL_min = mL_min * 1000; // convert incoming letiables from mL to uL
 25    let uL_max = mL_max * 1000; 26    let mL_range = mL_max - mL_min;
 27    let uL_range = mL_range * 1000; // convert incoming letiables from mL to uL
'uL_min' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
 21    let X_min = displacement(theta_max, r, b, d, a); // Calculate Xmin by plugging in theta_max to displacement function
 22    let mL_min = 0; // Default value for mLmax, initalized by user in Assembly step. MUST be true
 23    let mL_max = mL_min + (X_max - X_min) / a; // Calculate mLmax by S
 24    let uL_min = mL_min * 1000; // convert incoming letiables from mL to uL 25    let uL_max = mL_max * 1000;
 26    let mL_range = mL_max - mL_min;
 27    let uL_range = mL_range * 1000; // convert incoming letiables from mL to uL
'mL_max' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
 20    let X_max = displacement(theta_min, r, b, d, a); // Calculate Xmax by plugging in theta_min to displacement function
 21    let X_min = displacement(theta_max, r, b, d, a); // Calculate Xmin by plugging in theta_max to displacement function
 22    let mL_min = 0; // Default value for mLmax, initalized by user in Assembly step. MUST be true
 23    let mL_max = mL_min + (X_max - X_min) / a; // Calculate mLmax by S 24    let uL_min = mL_min * 1000; // convert incoming letiables from mL to uL
 25    let uL_max = mL_max * 1000;
 26    let mL_range = mL_max - mL_min;
'mL_min' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
 19    let theta_max = thetaXArray[displacementArray.indexOf(displacement_min)]; // Calculate theta_max by pulling theta value from theta array at the index where the displacement min was found
 20    let X_max = displacement(theta_min, r, b, d, a); // Calculate Xmax by plugging in theta_min to displacement function
 21    let X_min = displacement(theta_max, r, b, d, a); // Calculate Xmin by plugging in theta_max to displacement function
 22    let mL_min = 0; // Default value for mLmax, initalized by user in Assembly step. MUST be true 23    let mL_max = mL_min + (X_max - X_min) / a; // Calculate mLmax by S
 24    let uL_min = mL_min * 1000; // convert incoming letiables from mL to uL
 25    let uL_max = mL_max * 1000;
'X_min' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead
 18    let theta_min = thetaXArray[displacementArray.indexOf(displacement_max)]; // Calculate theta_min by pulling theta value from theta array at the index where the displacement max was found
 19    let theta_max = thetaXArray[displacementArray.indexOf(displacement_min)]; // Calculate theta_max by pulling theta value from theta array at the index where the displacement min was found
 20    let X_max = displacement(theta_min, r, b, d, a); // Calculate Xmax by plugging in theta_min to displacement function
 21    let X_min = displacement(theta_max, r, b, d, a); // Calculate Xmin by plugging in theta_max to displacement function 22    let mL_min = 0; // Default value for mLmax, initalized by user in Assembly step. MUST be true
 23    let mL_max = mL_min + (X_max - X_min) / a; // Calculate mLmax by S
 24    let uL_min = mL_min * 1000; // convert incoming letiables from mL to uL