Detected usage of the any type JS-0323
11 occurrences in this check
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
557      * @param {*} entity
558      * @memberof ComponentAPI
559      */
560     static getBlackBoxDefinition(xspan: number, yspan: number, ports: Array<any>): LibraryEntryDefinition {561        // TODO: Deal with the ports later
562        // Create a fake definition for the blackbox
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
150        return hex;
151    }
153    render2DTarget(key: string | null, params: { [k: string]: any }) {154        if (key === null) {
155            key = this.__renderKeys[0];
156        }
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
120        return ports;
121    }
123    render2D(params: { [k: string]: any }, key: string) {124        const position = params.position;
125        const px = position[0];
126        const py = position[1];
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
106        };
107    }
109    getPorts(params: { [k: string]: any }) {110        const channelWidth = params.channelWidth;
111        const l = params.length;
112        const w = params.width;
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
486     * @returns
487     * @memberof Template
488     */
489    transformRender(params: { [key: string]: any }, render: paper.CompoundPath) {490        const mirrorX = params.mirrorByX;
491        const mirrorY = params.mirrorByY;
492        const px = params.position[0];
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
465     * @returns
466     * @memberof Template
467     */
468    getCenter(params: { [key: string]: any }): { x: any; y: any } {469        let newParams = params;
471        newParams.rotation = 0;
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
465     * @returns
466     * @memberof Template
467     */
468    getCenter(params: { [key: string]: any }): { x: any; y: any } {469        let newParams = params;
471        newParams.rotation = 0;
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
465     * @returns
466     * @memberof Template
467     */
468    getCenter(params: { [key: string]: any }): { x: any; y: any } {469        let newParams = params;
471        newParams.rotation = 0;
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
157        return rendered;
158    }
160    render2DTarget(key: string | null, params: { [k: string]: any }) {161        if (key === null) {
162            key = this.__renderKeys[0];
163        }
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
126        return ports;
127    }
129    render2D(params: { [k: string]: any }, key: string) {130        const position = params.position;
131        const px = position[0];
132        const py = position[1];
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
109        };
110    }
112    getPorts(params: { [k: string]: any }) {113        const l = params.length;
114        const w = params.width;