Initialization in variable declarations against recommended approach JS-0119
2 occurrences in this check
Variable 'device' should be initialized on declaration
 916     * @memberof ViewManager
 917     */
 918    loadDeviceFromJSON(json) {
 919        let device; 920        Registry.viewManager.clear();
 921        // Check and see the version number if its 0 or none is present,
 922        // its going the be the legacy format, else it'll be a new format
Variable 'feature' should be initialized on declaration
 401        // Find all the edge features
 402        const edgefeatures = [];
 403        const devicefeatures = Registry.currentDevice.layers[0].features;
 404        let feature; 405
 406        for (const i in devicefeatures) {
 407            feature = devicefeatures[i];