No default cases in switch statements JS-0047
15 days ago3 years old
268            WAYPOINT - 1) Reset the state to __source 2) cleanup features 3) TBA
269            TARGET - Set the state to SOURCE and do nothing else
270         */
271        switch (this.__STATE) {272            case ConnectionToolState.PLACE_FIRST_POINT:273                console.log("Doing nothing");274                break;275            case ConnectionToolState.PLACE_WAYPOINT:276                console.warn("Paused connection placement midway");277278                break;279            case ConnectionToolState.TARGET_PLACED_START_AGAIN:280                this.__STATE = ConnectionToolState.PLACE_FIRST_POINT;281                this.dragging = false;282                break;283        }284    }
286    /**
 90            Registry.viewManager?.killParamsWindow();
 91            paper.project.deselectAll();
 92            console.log("Current State:", ref.__STATE);
 93            switch (ref.__STATE) { 94                case ConnectionToolState.PLACE_FIRST_POINT: 95                    ref.__STATE = ConnectionToolState.PLACE_WAYPOINT; 96                    ref.dragging = true; 97                    ref.initChannel(); 98                    break; 99                case ConnectionToolState.PLACE_WAYPOINT:100                    ref.addWayPoint(event as unknown as MouseEvent, (event as any).altKey);101                    break;102                case ConnectionToolState.TARGET_PLACED_START_AGAIN:103                    ref.__STATE = ConnectionToolState.PLACE_WAYPOINT;104                    ref.dragging = true;105                    ref.initChannel();106                    // ref.createConnection();107                    break;108            }109        };
111        this.rightdown = function (event) {
Expected a default case
111            // console.log("Edge:", edge);
112            // console.log("Edge Type:", edge.type);
113            switch (edge.type) {114                case "LINE":115                    childpath.add(new paper.Point(node.x, node.y));116                    break;117                case "ARC":118                    childpath.add(new paper.Point(node.x, node.y));119                    const nextnode = this.__nodes.get(nextnoderef);120                    const endpoint = new paper.Point(nextnode.x, nextnode.y);121                    const midpoint = this.getARCMidpoint(edge.dxfData);122                    childpath.arcTo(midpoint, endpoint);123                    break;124            }125        }
127        path.addChild(childpath);
Expected a default case
 478                    function onKeyDown(event) {
 479                        if (scope.enabled === false || scope.noKeys === true || scope.noPan === true) return;
 481                        switch (event.keyCode) { 482                            case scope.keys.UP: 483                                scope.pan(0, scope.keyPanSpeed); 484                                scope.update(); 485                                break; 486 487                            case scope.keys.BOTTOM: 488                                scope.pan(0, -scope.keyPanSpeed); 489                                scope.update(); 490                                break; 491 492                            case scope.keys.LEFT: 493                                scope.pan(scope.keyPanSpeed, 0); 494                                scope.update(); 495                                break; 496 497                            case scope.keys.RIGHT: 498                                scope.pan(-scope.keyPanSpeed, 0); 499                                scope.update(); 500                                break; 501                        } 502                    }
 504                    function touchstart(event) {