Bulkmailer / BulkMailer-Backend

Unused import from wildcard import found PYL-W0614
a year agoa year old
Unused import(s) random, send_otp, send_custom_mass_mail, status_update, shared_task, settings, EmailMultiAlternatives, get_connection, Context, Template, timezone, TaskResult, GroupResource, models, resources, Field, ForeignKeyWidget, MyUserManager, NewUserResgistration, GmailAPPModel, OTP, revoke_tokens, AbstractBaseUser, BaseUserManager, EmailValidator, pre_save, receiver, BlacklistedToken, OutstandingToken and RefreshToken from wildcard import of authentication.task
  3from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated
  4from rest_framework.response import Response
  6from authentication.task import *  7from bulkmailer.celery import app
  8from mailer.serializers import *
Unused import(s) request, generics, status, IsAuthenticated, Response, random, re, send_otp, send_custom_mass_mail, status_update, shared_task, settings, EmailMultiAlternatives, get_connection, Context, Template, timezone, TaskResult, Groups, GroupDetails, GroupResource, TemplateModel, SentMail, FileUploadForMail, models, resources, Field, ForeignKeyWidget, MyUserManager, NewUserResgistration, GmailAPPModel, OTP, revoke_tokens, AbstractBaseUser, BaseUserManager, EmailValidator, pre_save, receiver, BlacklistedToken, OutstandingToken, RefreshToken, app, pytz, CreateGroupSerializer, ViewGroupDataSerializer, AddContactsManuallySerializer, MassMailSerializer, FileUploadSerializer, TemplateSerializer, fields, datetime, BeautifulSoup, ValidationError and serializers from wildcard import of views
 1from django.urls import path
 3from .views import * 4
 5urlpatterns = [
 6    path("create_group/", CreateGroup.as_view()),
Unused import(s) random, re, send_otp, status_update, shared_task, settings, EmailMultiAlternatives, get_connection, Context, Template, timezone, TaskResult, GroupResource, models, resources, Field, ForeignKeyWidget, MyUserManager, NewUserResgistration, GmailAPPModel, OTP, revoke_tokens, AbstractBaseUser, BaseUserManager, EmailValidator, pre_save, receiver, BlacklistedToken, OutstandingToken and RefreshToken from wildcard import of authentication.task
  6from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
  7from rest_framework import serializers
  9from authentication.task import * 10from bulkmailer.celery import app
 12from .models import *
Unused import(s) MyUserManager, GmailAPPModel, OTP, revoke_tokens, AbstractBaseUser, BaseUserManager, EmailValidator, pre_save, receiver, timezone, BlacklistedToken, OutstandingToken and RefreshToken from wildcard import of authentication.models
 3from import_export.fields import Field
 4from import_export.widgets import ForeignKeyWidget
 6from authentication.models import * 7
 9# Create your models here.
Unused import(s) email, re, timedelta, authenticate, make_password, ValidationError, serializers, random, send_otp, send_custom_mass_mail, status_update, shared_task, settings, EmailMultiAlternatives, get_connection, Context, Template, TaskResult, Groups, GroupDetails, GroupResource, TemplateModel, SentMail, FileUploadForMail, resources, Field and ForeignKeyWidget from wildcard import of serializers
  3from rest_framework.response import Response
  5from .models import *
  6from .serializers import *  7
  9# API for sending OTP.