Bulkmailer / BulkMailer-Backend

Line too long FLK-E501
a year agoa year old
line too long (145 > 88 characters)
 77        ):
 78            raise ValidationError(
 79                {
 80                    "msg": "The password needs to be more than 8 characters, contain atleast one uppercase,one lowercase and a special character" 81                }
 82            )
line too long (145 > 88 characters)
164        ):
165            raise ValidationError(
166                {
167                    "msg": "The password needs to be more than 8 characters, contain atleast one uppercase,one lowercase and a special character"168                }
169            )
170        user = authenticate(email=userEmail, password=newPassword)
line too long (332 > 88 characters)
20    subject = "Here's your account verification mail"
21    otp = random.randint(1001, 9999)
22    text = f"Your One Time Password for verification on Bulk-Mailer is {otp}.\nValid for only 2 minutes.\n DO NOT SHARE IT WITH ANYBODY.\nSKILL EDGE"
23    style = f'<p>Your One Time Password for verification on Bulk-Mailer is <strong style="font-size: 18px;">{otp}</strong>.</p><p>Valid for only 2 minutes.</p><p style="font-size: 18px;">DO NOT SHARE IT WITH ANYBODY.</p><div style="text-align:center; font-size:40px; color:grey; margin-top:20px;"><strong>BULK MAILER</strong></div>'24    email_by = settings.EMAIL_HOST
25    otp_msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text, f"SDC <{email_by}>", [email])
26    otp_msg.attach_alternative(style, "text/html")
line too long (149 > 88 characters)
19def send_otp(self, email):
20    subject = "Here's your account verification mail"
21    otp = random.randint(1001, 9999)
22    text = f"Your One Time Password for verification on Bulk-Mailer is {otp}.\nValid for only 2 minutes.\n DO NOT SHARE IT WITH ANYBODY.\nSKILL EDGE"23    style = f'<p>Your One Time Password for verification on Bulk-Mailer is <strong style="font-size: 18px;">{otp}</strong>.</p><p>Valid for only 2 minutes.</p><p style="font-size: 18px;">DO NOT SHARE IT WITH ANYBODY.</p><div style="text-align:center; font-size:40px; color:grey; margin-top:20px;"><strong>BULK MAILER</strong></div>'
24    email_by = settings.EMAIL_HOST
25    otp_msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text, f"SDC <{email_by}>", [email])
line too long (91 > 88 characters)
115    {
116        "NAME": "django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator",117    },
118    {
119        "NAME": "django.contrib.auth.password_validation.MinimumLengthValidator",