Baracchino-Della-Scuola / Bot

Unused import from wildcard import found PYL-W0614
2 occurrences in this check
Unused import(s) Request, Response, Blueprint, Config, after_this_request, copy_current_request_context, has_app_context, has_request_context, current_app, g, session, abort, flash, get_flashed_messages, get_template_attribute, make_response, redirect, send_file, send_from_directory, stream_with_context, url_for, jsonify, appcontext_popped, appcontext_pushed, appcontext_tearing_down, before_render_template, got_request_exception, message_flashed, request_finished, request_started, request_tearing_down, template_rendered, render_template, render_template_string, stream_template and stream_template_string from wildcard import of flask
 1# No longer mantained
 2import os, dotenv, json
 3from flask import * 4from discord_webhook import DiscordWebhook, DiscordEmbed
Unused import(s) collections, contextlib, functools, operator, stdlib_re, sys, types, warnings, Any, NoReturn, Never, Self, LiteralString, ClassVar, Final, Union, Optional, Literal, TypeAlias, Concatenate, TypeGuard, ForwardRef, TypeVar, TypeVarTuple, ParamSpecArgs, ParamSpecKwargs, ParamSpec, Unpack, Generic, EXCLUDED_ATTRIBUTES, Protocol, Annotated, runtime_checkable, cast, assert_type, get_type_hints, get_origin, get_args, is_typeddict, assert_never, no_type_check, no_type_check_decorator, overload, get_overloads, clear_overloads, final, T, KT, VT, T_co, V_co, VT_co, T_contra, CT_co, AnyStr, Hashable, Awaitable, Coroutine, AsyncIterable, AsyncIterator, Iterable, Iterator, Reversible, Sized, Container, Collection, Callable, AbstractSet, MutableSet, Mapping, MutableMapping, Sequence, MutableSequence, ByteString, Tuple, List, Deque, Set, FrozenSet, MappingView, KeysView, ItemsView, ValuesView, ContextManager, AsyncContextManager, Dict, DefaultDict, OrderedDict, Counter, ChainMap, Generator, AsyncGenerator, Type, SupportsInt, SupportsFloat, SupportsComplex, SupportsBytes, SupportsIndex, SupportsAbs, SupportsRound, NamedTupleMeta, NamedTuple, TypedDict, Required, NotRequired, NewType, Text, TYPE_CHECKING, IO, BinaryIO, TextIO, io, Pattern, Match, re, reveal_type, dataclass_transform, abstractmethod, ABCMeta, defaultdict, WrapperDescriptorType, MethodWrapperType, MethodDescriptorType and GenericAlias from wildcard import of typing
  2from discord.ext import commands
  3from io import *
  4import requests
  5from typing import *  6from petpetgif import petpet as petpetgif
  7import aiohttp, random, json
  8import pyfiglet