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Do not name an enum member as none SW-R1025


Using "none" as a member name in an enum may create ambiguity and confusion while working with optional values. This is because Optional.none is a reserved keyword in Swift, and using it as a member name in an enum may conflict with that.

If you use "none" as a member name in an enum, it may lead to unexpected behavior when working with optional values. For example, consider the following code:

enum Result {
  case success
  case failure
  case none

var result: Result = Result.none
print(result == .none) // This will print true

In the above example, result == .none returns true despite assigning a Result value.

To avoid this ambiguity and confusion, it is recommended to use a different name for the member in your enum instead of none. For example, you can use unknown or undefined depending on the semantics of the member.

Bad Practice

enum Result {
  case success
  case failure
  case none


enum Result {
  case success
  case failure
  case unknown