SOLHINT-W1036Avoid to use .call.value()()
Avoid to use low level calls.
Compiler version must satisfy a semver requirement.
Explicitly mark visibility in function.
Explicitly mark all external contracts as trusted or untrusted.
method in single transaction SOLHINT-W1046Avoid multiple calls of send
method in single transaction.
Fallback function must be simple.
. Miners can influence its value SOLHINT-W1049Do not rely on block.blockhash
. Miners can influence its value.
instead of deprecated sha3
SOLHINT-W1038Use keccak256
instead of deprecated sha3
instead of deprecated suicide
SOLHINT-W1039Use selfdestruct
instead of deprecated suicide
is deprecated, avoid to use it SOLHINT-W1040throw
is deprecated, avoid to use it.
Avoid to use tx.origin.
call SOLHINT-W1042Check result of send
Avoid to use inline assembly. It is acceptable only in rare cases.
Avoid making time-based decisions in your business logic.
Possible reentrancy vulnerabilities. Avoid state changes after transfer.
Explicitly mark visibility of state.