Leaking Dropbox credentials in source code can lead to unauthorized access to Dropbox resources, exposing sensitive data and potentially leading to data breaches and financial loss.
It is highly recommended to never hardcode Dropbox credentials in the source code. Instead, use a secure secrets management solution to store and retrieve the credentials during runtime. This approach ensures that the credentials are not exposed and can be easily managed and rotated as needed.
import dropbox
dbx = dropbox.Dropbox(TOKEN)
file = '/path/to/file.txt'
with open(file, 'rb') as f:
dbx.files_upload(f.read(), file)
import dropbox
import os
TOKEN = os.getenv('DROPBOX_TOKEN')
dbx = dropbox.Dropbox(TOKEN)
file = '/path/to/file.txt'
with open(file, 'rb') as f:
dbx.files_upload(f.read(), file)