

Made by DeepSource

Hardcoded Linear API key/client secret in source code SCT-1018


Leaking a Linear API key or client secret in source code can cause severe security issues as it can give unauthorized access to Linear resources, which can result in exposure of sensitive data and intellectual property. Attackers can impersonate legitimate users, access sensitive data, and manipulate the data in the Linear organization. If a key or secret has been leaked, it is recommended to revoke the key/secret and regenerate a new one. Leaked tokens can also be revoked through the Linear API.

It is recommended to use environment variables to store the API key and client secret. This ensures that the key and secret are not hardcoded in the source code and are kept separate from the codebase. Using environment variables also makes it easier to manage the key and secret as they can be updated without modifying the source code.

Bad practice

import requests

API_KEY = "linear-api-key"
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {API_KEY}"

def get_issues():
    response = requests.get(BASE_URL + "issues", headers=HEADERS)
    return response.json()


import requests
import os

API_KEY = os.getenv('LINEAR_API_KEY')
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {API_KEY}"

def get_issues():
    response = requests.get(BASE_URL + "issues", headers=HEADERS)
    return response.json()