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The default case should be last within a switch block JAVA-W1010


switch blocks in Java do not impose a specific order for their clauses. This means that even if, say, the default clause were to appear as the first case in a switch block, Java will first ensure that no other switch case matches the input before executing it.

This does not mean it is all right to put default clauses just anywhere; as a convention, the default clause should only appear after any other clauses.

Bad Practice

Placing the default clause anywhere else but at the end will not cause any bugs, but may confuse any person who reads such code. The usual expectation is that the default clause will be present at the end of the switch block.

switch (someVar) {
    case VAL_A: ...
    default: ... // This may confuse readers of your code.
    case VAL_B: ...


Putting the default clause of a switch block at the end has been a long-standing tradition in C-like languages, and it is a tradition worth respecting for the clarity it provides.

switch (someVar) {
    case VAL_A: ...
    case VAL_B: ...
    default: ... // Very visible.